29 May 2009

More Times Lawn...


I will continue to update you on the digression of these pathetic chairs. Within a week, my guess is that they'll be ripped, rusty, bent, and even more pathetic looking than they are now.
My NYC tax dollars at work, folks! :)

28 May 2009

Times LAWN?

Times square is notoriously overrun with tourists and apparently these said tourists were getting run over by cars in the busy streets. City says, "let's turn times square into a giant concrete LAWN!"

And they did.

Check out these pics of the lawn chairs in Times Square on Broadway and 42nd. That's right, they've decided to shut off the traffic and now create the allure of a "park- like setting" in the busiest street in America.

Pro: contains the tourists to one area much like a human zoo.

Con: don't we already have a GIANT park called... What is it? Oh yeah, CENTRAL PARK? bad idea to close down streets and back up midtown traffic even more than it already is. Taxi drivers must be FUMING!

What do you think of the new Times Square?

-- Posted From My iPhone

Learn to talk like ME!

I stumbled across this blog while doing some Canadian research for this site:


It’s actually very educational; if you’d like to learn a bit more about my culture, I highly recommend that you check it out! The funniest thing for me was that I actually learned a LOT too! I actually never realized that there were that many different words in Canadian French than in European French! I speak VERY Canadian French, and I didn’t even realize it! No wonder my Parisian friends are always confused! A lot of the differences are very subtle; a lot is the pronunciation. I always explain to people that it’s like American English verses British English. In my experience, Europeans LOVE to hear Canadian French though- I’m always told that it’s so “cute!” There’s a huge fascination with my accent- but it’s always comforting to talk to my family in French and hear them sound like me. I’m not always repeating myself! LOL

Here’s a great example: in France, they call a soft drink “un soda” or sometimes “un coca” for a coca-cola. In CANADA, we call a coca-cola, “un Coke” (pronounced just like how you say it in English.) For other soft drinks, Canadians will say “un POP.” And in Montreal specifically, it’s called LIQUEUR! That’s right, just like the English word, “liquor!” So, at a restaurant, the waitress will ask if you want (directly translated) “liquor for the kids to drink!”

Oh, and it’s also kind of funny that in Canada, the stop signs say “ARRET” ( which is French for “stop”), but in France, the stop signs say, “STOP.” What the….?

27 May 2009

Poker face?

I really don't want to drink the Hater-ade today, but I saw this picture of Lady Gaga on the new cover of Rolling Stone Magazine, and I just have to say- it's not a good picture at all. Her face is...uh...yeah. I know you're thinking it too. And THIS is with the help of (I'm imagining) a significant amount of photo-shopping, lighting, and makeup!

BUT, it turns out that this is actually the IMPROVED version of Gaga's face, seeing as these pictures came out of her in her "pre-plastic surgery days."

ooooooh. Yikes!

25 May 2009

Annoying neighbors

(click on image to enlarge)

This annoying note writing has been going on for months in my building. Some jerk has a problem with a dog barking in apt B. We live right beside that apt, and I've never even heard it. Anyway, this d-bag keeps sticking typed annonymous notes on the front door. I usually just rip them down because it's just rude and cowardly. Today, another note appeared but this time someone wrote a great comment under it. Then, I seconded the support with my own comment to the side.

I wish I knew who was writing the notes because I'd have one of MY dogs take a crap on it and then I'd leave it at their front door!! LOL

-- Posted From My iPhone

21 May 2009

Roll call!

Hey guys! Good mornin'! Nice call on the American Idol winner, right? AMIRITE?! :) So let's get down to business: I'm updating my blog list on the right over there ---> and if I'm missing YOU and your blog on the list, let me know! Leave me a comment if you want a shout out on this blog and a link to your site.

19 May 2009


Maybe some OTHER celebs would look great with Kate Gosselin's reverse mullet haircut! Check out the Cruise's rockin the kate. 

More on Kate Gosselin's reverse mullet hairstyle (trendy or trashy?) HERE

The American I-dull showdown

Michelle (also an AI viewer) asked for me to elaborate on my opinion of Adam vs. Kris for the final two, so here it goes…

Adam is the favorite to win for many reasons: he’s memorable, he’s original, and he’s different than the previous Idol winners. From the hair to the makeup, to the crazy striped tight leggings, he’s a showman. He’s a performer. But that’s the part that irks me. He seems like a Saturday night live character- too unreal to be believable. He doesn’t sing a song without screeching (and always a power screech at the end) and the judges will let him flounder and waver on his pitch without EVER giving him any negative comments whatsoever.

I can understand if someone who is not a musician hears him, they might think he has an “unbelievable range” and sings so amazing, but if you ARE a singer and musician (like me!) you KNOW that it’s easier to screech a high note than to SING it with control. I’m not impressed by his eye makeup and his “swagger” as they say. I’m not even impressed by his clothes (he wears more chains than Mr. T) and I’m certainly not sold on his narrow glares to the camera and melancholy ballads. At first, his songs sounded original, but now, if you played them back to back, they would all sound like one screechingly horrible continuous song of emotional theatrics and power shrieks. He’s not a 1 trick pony, he’s a TWO trick pony; he can sing slow and overly affecting or he can screech.

Kris should win not only because he’s a money maker (imagine the record sales!) but he is a composer, pianist, guitarist, and singer all in one. His style is so understated that it’s adorable. It’s a complete opposite of the “in your face” approach of Adam. And I, for one, value sincerity over fabricated theatrics. He’s connected to the songs he sings. He’s bashful but he knows he can turn it out. The judges are overly critical because they want Adam to win (hey, Simon picked Adam out as the winner, and he’ll be damned if he’s WRONG on this one…he’s got to prove he can pick a star!)

Plus, the whole Katy Perry flashing “ADAM LAMBERT” across her back before her performance just REALLY hit a nerve with me. That’s unfortunate, and unfair. The guest talent shouldn’t be able to endorse or promote one of the contestants. For that matter, neither should the judges, yet here goes Simon yacking to OPRAH on her show that Adam will win.

Adam belongs in musical theatre. He’s not that unique as far as broadway actors go…I’ve seen plenty of shows here in NYC where multiple actors/singers on broadway have produced the exact same type of performance as Adam. It’s staged. It’s dramatic. And here’s my final point: could you listen to an entire CD of 12 songs in a row by Adam, or by Kris? Kris is way more diverse, and doesn’t depend on hijinx to attract an audience: he just does what he does WELL. True. And not muddled with flash and jazz hands. Kris could (and SHOULD) bring an upset and come out as the dark horse in the competition. He's gonna WIN!

Great meditative thought of the day:

I am the decisive element

"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my dailymood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous.I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized.If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming."


18 May 2009


I’m pretty intrigued with this new swimsuit line called BANTU. It’s not only super hot swimwear for both men and women, but it’s an ethical way to give your consumer money a voice. Bantu supports Africa’s economy from the inside out: the gorgeous prints are from West Africa, and all of the sewing is hand-stitched in Ethiopia. Workers are paid a fair wage (no sweat shops) and the money goes directly into the economies that need it the most. I couldn’t find Bantu for sale online, but there are several stores that carry it (a lot of them here in NYC.) Support fair trade whenever possible, and learn to shop with a conscious. It’s something that I’m growing more and more aware of…and you should too! :)
Check out the website HERE

15 May 2009

Yay, Canada!

Forbes.com has compiled a list of the HAPPIEST countries on the planet, and Canada is in the top 10! That's right, my home and patriot land is a comfortable #6 on the list of top 10 places where people are the happiest. Guess who's #1? DENMARK! My big brother and his family live in Denmark and I've been there. It's a happy place :)

Sorry, USA- down here, we didn't come even close to the top 10. Our crippling defecit and whopping 9% unemployment might have a smidge to do with that...

Check out the slideshow on forbes.com of the top 10 countries HERE

14 May 2009

This one belongs at awkwardfamilyphotos.com

LOL of the day

LOL this is insanely funny! Cory, girl did this just ruin Jamie Foxx's song for you?

Nice one

My fridge

As promised!! What does our fridge reveal about us?

-- Posted From My iPhone

Have a look

The saying goes that "You are what you eat," so then the refrigerator must be the window to the soul. That's the reasoning behind this photographer's interesting collection of photographs of the food in peoples' fridges.

It's fascinating and fun to look through: CLICK HERE to view the website.

I think I'll go take a picture of MY fridge and post it for you guys, so you can draw your own conclusions :)

What would we see in YOUR fridge?

yes, I want Kris to win

In case you're wondering, I'm NOT an Adam Lambert fan. Maybe I'll write a post on that whole issue later. But for now, let me say that Kris' acoustic version of Kanye's "Heartless" was absolutely fantastic. Well done.

In related news, looks like everyone's jumping on the "let's remake Heartless" bandwagon, and THIS KID does a fantastic rock version. Very well done as well.

If you REALLY want people to hate you...

This guy not only drives a rolls royce, but it has it garishly pimped out with the LV monogram. UGH. It's true what they say, Money can buy you THINGS but it sure can't buy you TASTE!

Check out the full story HERE
Talk back at me: would YOU drive a LV car? Comment below!

13 May 2009

Everyone wants to save $

Date-nights are still important when you're married and even when you're broke! Check out these ideas for 20 cheap dates from Small Notebook:

1. Have a dance party in your living room and dance to your favorite songs from high school.
2. Borrow a movie from the library or find a movie on Hulu and make homemade stovetop popcorn while watching the classics.
3. Pack some cheese, crackers, and grapes and your favorite old quilt and have a picnic on the lawn.
4. Sit on the roof and watch the sunset together.
5. Get dressed up in your most formal clothes and go to the coffee shop as if you’ve just been to a gala.
6. Sit on a sidewalk bench and people watch, making up fake names and stories about the people you see.
7. Play board games and see who is the ultimate Hungry, Hungry Hippos champion.
8. Go on a hike.
9. Bring your camera and take photos together at the tourist spots around town.
10. Make s’mores over candlelight.
11. Visit the museum on free admission night.
12. Go to the book store and look at travel books, and then plan your dream vacation.
13. Go to the farmers market and buy a new fruit that you’ve never tried.
14. Carry along a loaf of old bread and feed the ducks at the lake.
15. Go to a new restaurant and split a decadent dessert.
16. Fly a kite at the park.
17. Cuddle on the couch and reminisce about “remember when”, telling your favorite stories of when you first started dating.
18. Go to the botanic gardens and hold hands while you stroll.
19. Get a pint of ice cream, hang up twinkle lights on the patio, and enjoy your ice cream outside together in the evening.
20. Go swimming without the kids.

10 May 2009

Bikram Yoga 101

I did it!! I went to my first Bikram yoga class. What is Bikram yoga? Well, I'm so glad you asked! BIKRAM YOGA is a special yoga of 26 postures that are performed in a heated room. The room is heated to 110F (yeah, that's hot) and 40% humidity.  The poses aren't necessarily difficult themselves, but the extreme heat is what elevates the difficulty. 

Obviously, the results of Bikram yoga are unimaginable: toxins are released from the body, calories are burned like a furnace, and you can drop weight and build muscle like crazy. I believe this is true because every single person in that class had a body like Kelly Ripa (see below).  They were wearing little bikini tops and spandex booty shorts... and they actually looked GOOD wearing it!  I, on the other hand, wore a tank top and yoga capris. Eventually, maybe I'll have the abs to pull off the cute little bandeau tops, but for now, no one wants to see my body stretching and contorting in those poses wearing less than 5 inches of fabric on my butt!

So, I walked in, and layed down my mat. You're also given 3 towels- a big one, and 2 small facecloths.  The big towel goes on your mat because it gets soaking wet from your sweat, and turns into a giant slip 'n slide without the towel over it. The 2 face cloths also become essential for wiping your face off because the sweat will run into your eyes and until you can't even see! Also, for some of the postures, you have to use the facecloths to grip your feet or legs, because your hands are so slippery, you can't hang on!  

I was setting up my mat to face the front wall of mirrors. That's right, you have to stare at yourself in the mirror the whole time. I went in the back row of students, because it was my first class, and I wanted to be able to watch the other students and see what they're doing. I sat on my mat and waited for the teacher to arrive. I thought, "Hey, this isn't too bad- it's warm, but I can definitely handle this!" Then, the teacher walked in, and shut the entire wall of sliding glass doors that were WIDE OPEN at the end of the room. And she turned the heat on- that's right, the heat wasn't even ON yet, and the doors were wide open! 

The teacher doesn't do the yoga poses. She stands on a big box at the front of the room, and verbally tells you what to do. Then, she walks around and helps correct your form and postures. (Makes sense, because if the teacher had to DO the class, they wouldn't be able to do multiple classes in a row!) We started out with deep breathing to get the body ready for the stretches. The deep breathing was good. Felt nice, and energized the body. Then, we started into some postures, and I was still feeling pretty good. About the 4th posture, I felt this huge wave of nausea.  Seriously, I thought I might puke right there in front of everyone. I was also the only new person in the class, so everyone else was getting themselves in all these contortional poses...WOW!

So, the nausea hit me, and I thought- ok, I can either be a loser and sit down on my mat and just take a breath, or I can continue to try and impress everyone by keeping up with the class, and VOMIT all over someone else's mat. I chose the first option. I sat down and just started breathing and drinking water. I'm not kidding, I'm pretty good at yoga, and I've taken a few clasess. Plus, I've been through all the wii fit yoga poses, and I'm a "4-star" on the wii. But doing it in the HEAT is a whole other story. It wasn't that I couldn't DO the postures, it's that I felt so nauseous from the heat! I literally had this little voice in my head saying, "Carmine, you are a CANADIAN!!! What the crap are you doing in 110degree HEAT?!" Candians are NOT designed for this (can I get an A-men?) It was like my entire genetic code was fighting to not just run out of that place and into some air conditioning as soon as possible! My face and my whole BODY was bright blazing red!

So, I sat out for a few poses, and tried to accalmate myself to this new climate, and then I joined in with the class when I started feeling better. By the end of the class, I looked as if I'd been thrown in a swimming pool.  I drank 2 litres of water during the class, and was still thirsty when I left! I sweated so much that it was pouring off me.  My shirt could have been wrung out and my hair was soaking wet all the way through.  

But the best part is, I felt FANTASTIC! My eyes looked whiter than I've ever seen them, and my skin was glowing. It was awesome- a real "high." So, I'm taking a 2 day break and going back on Tuesday night. This time, I'm going to make sure I drink enough water BEFORE class, and not eat at least 4 hours before. The teacher told me after class that I had done REALLY well for a first timer! She said most people just sit on the mat and observe the first couple classes, until they feel ready to try the poses. She was surprised at how many poses I did the the class!

I'm going to give this a shot- At least for a month, to see how far I can progress with my flexibility. Plus, I can look great in my swimsuit for Dominican Republic in 2 months! Who knows, maybe I can get a kelly ripa body like the rest of the people in that class. Hey, it has to work- they ALL looked AMAZING!  It's undoubtedly the hardest workout I've EVER had. And I know what a workout is: I had a personal trainer for 8 months last year, and was doing squats with 135lbs- he kicked my butt BIG TIME, and I thought I would die. But this- man, you have to MENTALLY be pushing through the whole time. It's so hard!

More to come on my Bikram experiment- maybe some ripped abs photos will be posted soon? We can only dream...

08 May 2009

Re-name the Swine Flu

Here's some great suggestions for re-naming the swine flu! My favourites include:

The Notorious P.I.G.

LOL check out the website HERE


They announced today that on July 4th this year, the CROWN of the statue of Liberty will open to the public for the first time since 9/11. You have to climb up a tiny spiral staircaise to get to the top. Have any of my readers ever gone to the crown of the statue of liberty? Just curious.

I'm definitely GOING!

read the news article here: http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/wireStory?id=7535831

07 May 2009

.... AWKWARD! (spoken in opera voice)

Check out this fun website: Awkward family photos!

Every family has one!

05 May 2009

Greatest Caption Ever

This is why grandparents don't listen to heavy metal

I don't care what you think... I LOVED it!

Madonna took a lot of slack for what she wore to the fashion ball last at the MET, but I love it. I really do! I think she looks GREAT! Yes, even the hat!

What do you think? Love it or hate it?

I like the outer space photo

After blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payer's money, the White House isn't going to even use those embarrassing publicity photos of Air Force One flying over the Statue of Liberty.

If you didn't catch the story, New Yorkers were terrified after a low flying jet was seen headed for lower Manhattan with 2 US fighter planes trailing it. Yeah, not the most brilliant way to scare the crap outta a few million shaky residents who saw something similar around...oh... September 11th!!!

So, not to let the idea go to waste, these folks photo-shopped the famous jet into some iconic American backdrops. Check 'em out here:


04 May 2009

Could it be?! Is it TRUE?!

Rumors abound that HULU.com may soon be available for iPhone. Excuse me while I do my happy dance...


(got this news from Carmen Turino- my official iPhone nerd friend)

Kelly RIPPED-a!

I need some inspiration because in 2 months, I have my high school reunion back in Canada, AND a wedding in Dominican Republic to attend. So, wonder of all wonders, look at the picture I stumble upon this morning of lovely miss Kelly Ripa in Miami this weekend:

Yeah those abs probably aren't the first thing to come to mind when you think of a middle-aged woman with 3 kids!

Must. Do. Crunches. (thinks to self)

Hey, Kelly- wanna do some of my laundry on those washboard abs? Ugh, don't you just hate her?

props for this picture at www.wwtdd.com

03 May 2009

Got some free time?

Someone posted a ton of pictures of their mom's obsessive hoarding/ebay problem. This house is absolutely unbelievable. It's amazing to think that someone actually lives there!

Click through the pictures and read the little stories and descriptions at THIS WEBSITE. Maybe you'll think twice before shopping on Ebay again!

02 May 2009

Tina Fey is my new Neighbor?!

Ok, cool news- I just found out on GAWKER.com that Tina Fey is moving to MY STREET! She unloaded a cool $3.4 Million for this apartment , which was originally offered at $4.1Million. Pocket change, right? The place is on 74th and West End Ave (and I'm not dumb enough to broadcast my address on a public blog, so those of you who know where my apt is, can figure out how close neighbors we'll be)

To see pics of her new place, and to check out the floorplan for what almost $4Million will get you in my neighborhood- check it out HERE

Maybe I should bring her a muffin basket or something... what do you think? I'll have to start walking my dogs nearby. Ooops, here comes that creepy celebrity stalker emerging in me again!

Sticky Comics

Here's a fun site: http://www.stickycomics.com/

It's comics drawn on sticky notes. They're random, funny, and addictive. I went to the sticky comic archive, and then just sat here hitting "random" for about 20 minutes, then I was like, " I should put this on my blog..."

Somebody is going to call this baby a prophet...that's my prophesy

Florida approves Jesus license plate! (not a joke!)

Ok, I had to write "Not a joke" on the headline, because I myself thought this HAD to be a joke when I first read it. It's NOT! When asked about the separation of church and state, Florida Governer Charlie Crist said, "If they don't want one, they don't have to buy one." 


Ok, let the comments roll! What do you think of the Jesus license plate?

Because someone's watching...

This is the swine flu mask I want...

01 May 2009

My website of the day pick!

Why the F do you have a kid?

This one is great! Get these people on MAURY, stat!
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