30 October 2009
29 October 2009
28 October 2009
Back to Canada!
Even after all the trouble at the airport on Saturday night (did I also mention that after we boarded the plane, we sat on the runway for an hour and a half because the airport CLOSED and no flights were allowed to depart because of weather?) it was still worth it to spend a day with my Mama & Papa and see their home being built. My uncle also was with us, and we had a great time together. Here's some pictures of us together at the new house, and a staged photo of our little "construction crew" hard at work!
27 October 2009
Mirror, mirror
24 October 2009
Airports... Grrrrrrr!
I arrived to continental check in, and since I'm flying to Canada, I went to "international departure check-in." logical, right? Well, not in this fairy tale land called NEW JERSEY! After attempting the self check in machine, which told me it could not read my passport, I stood in an infuriatingly long line until I was told by the check-in clerk that I had to go to DOMESTIC check in. I told her that I'm flying to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY and it should be international, but she impatiently told me to go to the domestic check in line ( which was even longer) and then called, "NEXT!"
You can guess what happens next.
I stood in an even longer line at domestic and when I finally got to the clerk she said, "ma'am you're flying to Canada. THAT'S A DIFFERENT COUNTRY ( I'm not lying, she actually said that like I was 4 yrs old) and you need to check in at the international check in." At this point, the New Yorker in me kicked in and I told her to please don't speak to me like I am an idiot- I KNOW Canada is a different country- look at my PASSPORT, I'm CANADIAN! (geez, these people they find to work at airports...)
So I went BACK to the long international line and finally got to a different clerk to actually managed to check me in. Then she says, "ok your flight leaves from gate 23 at Terminal A." ( please note, I've been in terminal C this entire time!) I say, " what do you mean, Terminal A? Continental departs from terminal C!" she says, "yes, but this flight is departing from terminal A. Go get back on the train. NEXT!"
I get back on the train, ride the ENTIRE circle around the airport back to terminal A, and then check my flight status: wait for it...DELAYED 1 hr!
But on the plus side, I saw a tourism booth and this sign made me laugh!
It reminded me of what me and my friend Cory say: "Jersey girls AREN'T trash...trash gets PICKED UP!"
Oops gotta go they are ready to call my gate for boarding!
Bon voyage!!!
Posted From My iPhone
Going Home! :)
23 October 2009
"The Play's the thing..."
22 October 2009
whoa-ah-OH, Beyonce!
21 October 2009
First Christmas Tree Sighting!
To bring out the OCD in you
My husband and I are a perfect match- except when it comes to organization. He will admit without shame that he is a bit excessive on the "neat and tidy" front. He might even be a bit OCD! Everything has a place, and if it's not in that place, it un-nerves him.
In our new kitchen, we can't find drawer dividers for our cutlery drawer that will fit the size of the drawer, so for now, we have to just group the spoons on the left, forks in the middle, and knives on the right. I don't know how many times I've caught him in that drawer ARRANGING each knife, fork, and spoon so that they lay perfectly straight on top of each other (and I tried to explain that when you close and open the drawer, they're just gonna get messed up again...but ah, oh well!)
I bought him a label maker one year for our anniversary, and it was his absolute favorite gift ever! He went around making labels for EVERYTHING, on every shelf: "Toothpaste," "floss," "Small hairbrushes," "Combs," "round hairbrushes"... it was actually pretty cute.
Anyway, if any of YOU readers enjoy organization, you'll LOVE this website: www.lifeorganizers.com ! It has TONS of information, cleaning tips, checklists, organization charts and storage ideas!
Go check it out HERE!
Trying to live on $500K in Manhattan
20 October 2009
Modern Disney
17 October 2009
I'm into dreads
16 October 2009
Back in PA
Have you ever SEEN a trillion dollars?
For you crafty folks
15 October 2009
Watson Adventures
Whoo, what a week! Last week, Dan was away for a Diesel conference from Sunday to Saturday in
On Saturday night, we did a Watson's Adventure Scavenger Hunt at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Watson's does adult and family scavenger hunts in several cities all of the
The hunt we did was called "Murder at the Met," a murder mystery that we had to solve by figuring out a bunch of clues from dozens of paintings, exhibits, sculptures, and artifacts in the museum. There was a 2 hr time limit, and we were really booking it to make it through! The museum is MASSIVE! We solved the "whodunit" and the "why," but we had to give up on 2 clues because we were out of time, and you lose points for every minute you're late. Even with the 2 missing clues, we ended up in second place (only 1 point away from FIRST place!) among about a dozen other teams. What pushed us ahead were the bonus points we got from most creative team name- "SHOW ME THE MONET!" HA HA pretty good, eh?
Please pray
14 October 2009
Scumptious Pumpkinious!
12 October 2009
Jacobsen Egg Chairs
09 October 2009
Dining table
-- Posted From My iPhone
07 October 2009
Who would wear these shoes? I WOULD!
06 October 2009
Do Americans even know about this cartoon? Me and my brother, Brad, used to watch Astroboy EVERY DAY! I am definitely going to watch the movie! Toys R Us in Times Square has Astroboy plastered all over the whole storefront!