30 April 2010

U.S. Soldiers remake Lady Gaga TELEPHONE video

Or maybe they should have called it, "Don't ask, don't TELephone..."

WATCH! :) love it!

21 April 2010

Notes from Chris

Absolutely brilliant!

Check out more notes HERE

18 April 2010

I know Cory will laugh at this

freezer-out-of-control (440 x 347)



...But do they have LION?


Moms & Dads out there- did you know THIS?!

16 April 2010

Pice of Poo

(click image to enlarge)

Hilarious!! I love this website: www.passiveagressivenotes.com

Edie - rescued an hour before euthanasia

This video melted my heart! PLEASE adopt! This little guy just needed a HUG!
If you're can provide a loving home to one of these precious creatures, please visit www.petfinder.com

You can view photos, bios and search by breed and age to find a dog in your local area.

15 April 2010


Spring is officially here in NYC! A time of renewal, new life, and an awakening for the whole city! I took these pictures on my way to work this morning as I cut through Bryant Park. Gorgeous! I feel SO blessed to live here! Wow!


Life has gotten crazy busy and I haven't had time to post much on my blog. Here's a picture of me with (some) of my family when Dan and I visited Canada for Easter :) We had a perfect flight (unlike last time!) and the weather was absolutely beautiful! No coats! Dad preached a beautiful and meaningful sermon at church on Easter Sunday, and he and I performed a song together; he played violin, and I played piano.

My Dad retires this summer, and my parents have built a beautiful new home. We had a great time helping them pack, and finding some old pictures for a few good laughs! We had such a wonderful time!

08 April 2010

Lessons I'm learning

I was born to achieve.
I create my own destiny.
All the resources I need are within me.
I will LOVE and RESPECT myself every day of my life.
It's not what happens in life, it's my reaction to what happens.
Champions are people like me.
My positive thoughts lead to positive actions.
Problems are opportunities that make me stronger.
Treating people with kindness and respect will assure my future.

-compiled from notes to myself on my iPhone :)

01 April 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, everyone! My man and I are flying to Canada tomorrow, to celebrate Easter Sunday at my Dad's church (he's a minister!) For those of you back home who read this blog- I'll see ya Sunday! For the rest of you- I'll be back online soon :)
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