29 September 2010

Eat healthily...cheapily!

I was having a discussion while watching the Biggest Loser, about my theory of why the American obesity rate has become epidemic: money. I really believe that it comes down to money. Junk food is cheap. If you can get a Taco Bell taco for 79 cents, or ½ a cucumber for that same price, which are people going to choose? A package of Pop-Tarts is 99 cents on sale at the grocery store near my apt- and one avocado is $1.50? Let’s face it, it can be really expensive to eat healthy raw and whole foods, and if you’re eating organic, the price escalates even further. Parents may have the education to know that this food is not healthy for their kids, but they might not have the budget to be able to prepare the wholesome meals their bodies need at a young age.

That’s why I love this article by Divine Caroline: The 20 healthiest foods for under $1. Personally, my favorite cheap healthy foods are apples and frozen vegetables. How easy is it to steam a bag of frozen veggies, top with some fresh herbs and olive oil and dinner is DONE! Hey, readers- what is your favorite CHEAP healthy food? 

28 September 2010

Gluten-free Goddess

I'm always searching for new and healthy recipes, since I LOVE to cook and I thought I'd introduce a great website to my readers: Gluten-Free Goddess. There's TONS of great recipes, and beautiful photos too!

I love the recipe for chocolate cupcakes with coffee frosting! What?! I know, right!!
Gluten-free chocolate cupcakes with coffee flavored frosting

And while you're at it, try this recipe from SHOW ME VEGAN, my fave vegan recipe go-to for fantastic recipes.

Ready, set...COOK! (and you can thank me later)

27 September 2010

Things you learn by living in NYC

In an elevator, women exit first, and age take priority. For example, if you and your boyfriend are in an elevator, you get off first. If you and your mom are in the elevator, your mom exits first. If you, your boyfriend, and your mom are in the elevator, your mom exits, then you, then your boyfriend. If you, your boyfriend, your dad, and your mom are in the elevator,  your mom exits, then you, then your dad, then your boyfriend. No joke, this is really how it's done, and everyone in Manhattan has a mutual understanding of this rule.  

Well, until a tourist messes it up, and everyone simultaneously rolls their eyes...

Stretch- mini

Check out this stretch mini-Cooper LIMO we saw on 9th avenue yesterday! And yes, that's a HOT TUB in the back! Could it be any MORE obnoxiously fabulous?

-- Post From My iPhone

23 September 2010

Artsy shoes

Kobi Levi designs some pretty amazing shoes! Love these ones!

22 September 2010

Best customer review

Wendys Fast Food Review Picture

So sad

Devastating that the Senate struck down the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell." Hope this cartoon makes you think...

17 September 2010

NYC smoking ban to be extended to beaches & parks

Most people know how I LOATHE smoking, so of course I'm hoping this law passes!

Read about it in the NY Times HERE

Do you think that nationwide, there should be a smoking ban in parks and at beaches? Comment back!

10 September 2010

Cereal Marshmallows

Did I just order 3 bags of cereal marshmallows? Yes I DID!

Check out the website HERE!

You can buy bags of JUST the lucky charms marshmallows! Genius!

07 September 2010


I love this idea! You can now buy CAR lashes to accessorize your car! If I still had my beetle convertible, you'd better believe I'd have some of these on it! www.carlashes.com for more info



Watch this video of Arthur C. Clarke, on an episode of BBC Horizon from 1964, accurately predicting the technological advances of the year 2000. He was way off on the "city of the future" but, the communication aspect was spot on!

Prince with his toy

-- Post From My iPhone

03 September 2010

Sunset at my apartment

-- Post From My iPhone

Xxiivvvmmm... Wha??

Anyone want to show off their roman numeral skills and decipher what the date on this building is? I saw it on my way to work this morning. No cheating! No google allowed!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Neat trick!

German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen the pain of the needle stick. According to Taras Usichenko, author of a study on the phenomenon, the trick causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest and spinal canal, inhibiting the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord.

Just another day at the office

Outside my office window today it's a dreary gray sky- hurrican Earl Is scheduled to make an appearance this afternoon in NYC.

See the empire state building in the background?

Happy long weekend!

-- Post From My iPhone

Mama's boy

My youngest baby: Prince!

-- Post From My iPhone

Skip this post if you don't have any kleenex nearby

This blog is usually comical, uplifting, and just plain random silliness, but I felt strongly that I should re-post a link to this blog I found earlier this week. For anyone who has struggled with the loss of a child, I hope you will find healing and strength from this beautiful letter from a mother to her baby.

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