Has anyone else been dragging this week after sleeping in for four days? Yikes! My brain and body are fighting with me…the alarm goes off in the morning and I sleepwalk over to turn it off, then crawl back under the warm blankets and try to mentally coax myself into getting out of bed. We had a restful Thanksgiving- maybe TOO restful, because I’m paying the price for my sleep-vacation now! We drove to Dan’s ‘rents near York, PA on Wednesday, and his mom got up at 3AM to make the turkey! (God Bless her!) We ate early, around 11AM, and with all Dan’s brothers, sisters, in-laws, nieces, and nephews (and great-nephews!) there was about 40 of us! Then, it was nap-time for a good 4 hours. Prince and Romeo even curled up in bed with us and napped! They were stuffed from all the turkey too!
Friday, we slept in again- definitely not into the Black-Friday 4am shopping madness! We went to a matinee at the movies, and saw Fred Claus. Good flick, by the way. I grew up a firm believer in Santa until I was probably in 6th or 7th grade (oh yes, it’s true!) Even now at Christmas, I have a hard time believing that there really isn’t a North pole and elf village somewhere far up there! Dan and I don’t even have kids, but I’m already laying down the law that if we do someday, then we will DEFINITELY be in all-out Santa mode every year. My family would go so far as to make boot prints and hoof prints on the ROOF in the snow, and shake jingle bells outside our windows when we were sleeping so we’d wake up and know that Santa was HERE!
Anyway, I’m going way off on a Santa tangent here… let me bring you back:
So, at the movies, we bought a “value” combo (isn’t that an oxymoron? Value movie theatre popcorn?) with a large drink and a large popcorn for the low low price of $8.50. I was feeling my turkey and pie hangover from the day before, and I decided I should be smart and just drink water. Bottled water was $3.50, so I asked if I could get just regular tap-water. “No problem” was the response. The total came to $12.50. I was confused and the line was long, and I figured it was tax or deposit or something but I asked why it was so much, and the cashier said I had to pay for the CUP. That’s right, people, she charged me $4.00 for a PAPER CUP!! Are you freakin’ kidding me?! No respectable New Yorker would let her get away with such madness, so of course I threw a fit and demanded my $4.00 back. She offered to give me a soda instead, but NO!! That is ROBBERY! It’s an OUTRAGE!! What a hoax! I took my 4 dollars back and gave it to the Salvation Army guy at Walmart after we left- that $4.00 can be better spent elsewhere!
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