I just HAD to write about this! I apologize in advance for my rant, but here it comes anyway. Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge SURVIVOR fan, and I’ve watched it since the beginning. Even in college, Danny, Kristi and I had our Survivor nights watching the show every week together. I particularly enjoy the personalities and the social dynamics of the game that make it so original and unlike any other show on television. The smartest, strongest, fastest, or even the people who win the most challenges are often the ones who never win simply because they never get the “outwit” part quite right.
This year, I felt so much sympathy in the beginning for Denise. You could tell she was the kid no one picked for their team in school, and the same was true on the show. Then, all of a sudden, she actually became a pivotal player and started becoming an important “swing vote” which had everyone begging for her to be in alliance with them. This is when I started detesting her. She didn’t play fair and never rewarded others even though they generously shared rewards with her. Then, she played the “I’m a lunch lady and I’m poor” card and totally lost me. That seemed to be her only strategy: to look sad and try to get a pity vote to win the million dollar prize.
At the tribal council reunion show, she played an even bigger “woe is me” game, saying that she lost her job as a lunch lady and got demoted to being a janitor, scrubbing toilets. Mark Burnett felt sorry for her and offered her $50,000 on the spot to help give her and her family a better life.
But here’s where it gets juicy… SHE LIED!!! Read this article that explains how she lied and then ended up apologizing and asking forgiveness from everyone. She even decided to donate the $50,000 to charity because of the scandal!!
Cory, Jess- can you BELIEVE this?! I told you she was trouble!! Plus, her story about why she has the MULLET doesn’t even fly anymore!!
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