19 June 2008

Share everything time!

I enjoy reading blogs, as well as writing and journaling, and one of the most enjoyable parts of blog-surfing is when I find new stuff added all the time. So, to keep my blog interesting, I’m going to start posting a “Share everything” blog, where I will ask a random question and answer it for myself. Hopefully you’ll get to know me a bit better by my answers, and HOPEFULLY, some of you lazy arses will actually POST A COMMENT and answer the question yourself! (Get the hint?)

So, without further a due, let’s get started with my first SHARE EVERYTHING question:


My family wasn’t really a Dr. Seuss family- we didn’t have the whole collection on the bookshelf like a lot of kids did. In fact, in my memory, we never actually owned ANY of the Dr. Seuss books. My Dr. Seuss knowledge came from reading the books in school and babysitting. Honestly, the pictures are quite frightening, and I often wondered how little kids wouldn't be SCARED by the illustrations. Let's be honest, the characters are all freaks!

In any case, my favorite Dr. Seuss book would have to be “One fish two fish red fish blue fish.” My favorite part is “I like to box a gox in my socks.” That still makes me laugh!

Ok, answer time- what’s YOUR favorite Dr. Seuss book?

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