Sniff. Sniff. Great. Sniff. I’m (sniff) sick! Dan brought home a lovely little cold and shared it with me (how nice!) Luckily, it’s just a bit of sniffles, so it could be much worse, I know. I’ve been walking to and from work instead of taking the subway because with the rapid spread of flu and H1N1 (or as I like to call it, “hiney”…doesn’t it look like hiney to you?), it’s best to probably avoid close confined spaces with little to no ventilation, and face to face with 1000 other strangers who are coughing and sniffing in your face.
Coincidentally (isn’t it always) TODAY was the day we were both supposed to get our flu shots. But alas, one cannot receive a flu shot if they are feeling even the slightest bit ill. That means we’ll miss out on the FREE flu shot that Dan’s work is offering today, and instead, we’ll have to pay $25 each for a flu shot later from Walgreens. FAIL!.
The weeks have been flying by for us here in Manhattan- 2 weeks ago, we visited Dan’s family near York/Lancaster area in Pennsylvania. We had a nice visit AND his mom made us chocolate cake and home made pot-pie…mmmmm! On Halloween, we were in Philadelphia visiting some friends, and ate until we burst at Districto. Absolutely amazing Mexican food, if you’re ever in the area. This past weekend, we headed to the suburbs AGAIN for a baby shower in New Jersey. We did some shopping at West Elm on Saturday night, and bought a whole new bedding set: duvet cover, quilt, sheets, and tons of pillows in shades of dark grey, steel grey, ash grey, and white. We decided to paint the wall behind our bed in a dark midnight navy, and then we’ll have some accents of bright chartreuse green/yellow. Cool colour scheme, right?
On Sunday, we had a gorgeous 67F sunny day, and we decided it would be the perfect day for our little sidewalk sale at our old apartment on 74thst. We’ve sold all the furniture already, but we had some decorative accents, some board games, lots of clothes, paintings, throw pillows, etc that we weren’t bringing to our new place, so we decided to yard sale it and make some cash! Of course, we don’t have “yards” in Manhattan, we have sidewalks…
We set up our sale outside and priced everything at $1 and the smaller items for 25 cents. I know, cheap, right?! Right away, a lady came up and bought all of the artwork. She then proceeded to set up her OWN sale, right across the street from ours, and sell OUR paintings that she just bought for a dollar in HER street sale! Hilarious,right? I just shook my head and laughed.
Our new sofa finally arrived yesterday, so now our furniture is ALL here in our new apartment. I will post some pictures, but I don’t wanna ruin the surprise for Cory, who’s coming on Thursday to see our new place for the first time. We’re really happy with how everything came together- it’s very modern, and fits this apartment perfectly. Can’t wait to show ya’s!
Can't wait, wish I were there now.........