03 February 2011

What no one ever told me about being pregnant

Readers, be warned: I’m blogging today with very frank discussions regarding pregnancy and what it does to the female body. If you don’t care, or want to stick your fingers in your ears and say, “la-la-la-la-la”, I completely understand. Just stop reading here, and go check your email, or see if you have any new friend requests on Facebook or something. If you actually are curious about the stuff that no-one ever talks about in pregnancy, allow me the privilege of enlightening you.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been compiling a sort of list in my head of the things that I’m noticing are happening that no one had ever told me about when they were pregnant. I’m not grossed out- I think it’s fascinating. And mysterious. And surprising, every day when I notice yet another symptom that I never knew was possible. I imagine there’s probably 2 types of readers who are going through this right now: the women who have been pregnant, and know exactly what I’m talking about, and the people who are just as shocked and surprised as I was. I have several friends who are pregnant and our due dates are all very close, so almost daily we have been texting or calling each other saying, “Wait…what is going on here? Did this happen to you too?”  I figured if I put it out there for my readers, I will either get sympathy, empathy, or at the very least, a couple of laughs. So let’s start on my list, shall we?

Extreme thirst-All day, and all night, I’m dying of thirst. I bring about 3 glasses of water to bed with me at night and have them all lined up because by morning, I will have emptied them all. This water chugging also exacerbates the next thing on my list, which is…

Extreme having to pee-All that water consumption, combined with the fact that my uterus is ballooning rapidly and pressing on my bladder means I’m getting plenty of exercise running to the bathroom all the time. I had to install a nightlight in our bathroom because it’s pitch black at night, and if I turned the lights on, I would be blinded and then fully awake and unable to fall back asleep.

Bleeding gums- So turns out that your gums bleed a lot when pregnant. I’m a regular flosser, and normally don’t have any bleeding, but now even after just brushing my teeth, it looks like I’ve taken a sock full of nickels to the face from a prison gang. Getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist a few months ago was absolutely one of the worst experiences ever. There was so much blood in my mouth, and then coupled with the fact that I still had morning sickness, it was making me gag over and over while his fingers were all jammed up in there. Awful.

Metallic taste in your mouth- This one is interesting. I often have a weird metallic taste in my mouth, even after eating. Wonder what the deal with that is?

Giant areolas- My boobs have gotten big (which is really nice, seeing as I went from a barely A cup to a 38C!) but my areolas are ginormous. It’s really quite shocking. I’m praying they don’t get dark, which is what I’ve heard happens to a lot of women. Fingers crossed.

Constipation- My theory is that maybe it’s practice for all the pushing you have to do during labor. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. Next!

Gas/Bloating- Pretty self explanatory. I can’t eat jalapenos raw like I used to because I pay for it later with bloating and painful gas. Not pretty.

Fingernail/Hair Growth- I have to trim my nails every week, and my hair is growing so fast and so thick! I love that part, but not only does your hair on your head grow, but everywhere else too. Nosehair, leghair, armpits, and most shocking, EYEBROW hair. It’s not that I have bushy eyebrows, but I have to trim them with scissors almost daily because they are so LONG! I feel like Andy Rooney from 60 minutes sometimes. (shudder)

Heart pounding- When I lay down on my left side (like you’re supposed to), just resting or watching TV, sometimes my heart pounds SO hard it’s like it’s going to pop out of my chest! I think this has to do with the fact that there is so much more blood volume in my body now that there’s a little person inside with their own circulatory system to nourish. It’s a little frightening, though- to feel your heart pounding so hard. It’s not rapid, it’s just forceful, and consuming. Weird.

Nightmares- I dream very vividly, and multiple dreams a night, but since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve had terrible nightmares. Being kidnapped, people being murdered, crazy monsters. And of course, a lot of just strange dreams too.

Cameltoe- here’s an interesting one. So, not sure if you know this, but your hoo-ha swells up a bit when you’re pregnant.  This leads to some unfortunate battles with cameltoe. On top of that, you’ve got this baby bump that you have to either choose to pull your pants up over or under, and if you go over, be prepared for cameltoe problems. Despite my resistance to buying maternity clothes, I can now see the point of those giant stretchy panels.

Black poo- I think it’s the prenatal vitamins, but the poo situation is also frightening, especially the early weeks. Moving on.

Yeast infections- Extra estrogen brings upon this lovely side effect, during the first few weeks of pregnancy.  When I timidly mentioned it to my doctor, he exclaimed, “That’s wonderful!” Apparently, this is a GOOD sign that your hormone levels are where they should be. Hard to be excited about it, though. I couldn’t stop thinking, “yeah, well you’re a MAN, so you’ve never had one, there sir. Easy for you to be happy about it.”

Uterine stretching pain- The uterus stretches from the size of a small fist to the size of a watermelon. And I never knew that this HURTS. I thought it just stretches like your belly does. It’s called “round ligament pain” and it feels like sharp shooting pains through your lower abdomen. I try to see the positive side, that it means the baby is growing and getting stronger, but man oh man, sometimes it’s just not pleasant.

Peeing in a cup- I never realized how much pregnant women have to pee in cups. Every doctor’s visit starts with you peeing in a cup so they can check protein and sugar levels in your urine. Remember what I said about hoo-ha swelling? Yeah, well that means that peeing in a cup without peeing all over yourself is almost impossible. As your belly gets bigger, you can forget about even being able to see what you’re doing, so you just have to blindly try to line yourself up and let ‘er fly. Also, it’s funny how comfortable you quickly get with carrying your warm pee around in a cup and then handing it to strangers. So odd. Really.

Aversion to sweets- Maybe it’s just me, but sweets are REALLY sweet. And I have a sweet tooth. But since I’ve been pregnant, I can’t stand chocolate, sugar, anything like that. It’s just overwhelmingly rich and sweet. I guess maybe that’s the reason my weight gain hasn’t exploded. And who knows, maybe the cravings for sweets will stay away after the baby comes!

Half-naked ultrasounds- The first ultrasound we had was internal, which means you’re naked from the waist down with jelly up in all your crevices. Hello, stranger! Nice to meet you too! The next ultrasound was on my belly so I though I’d just lift up my shirt a bit. Wrong! They made me pull down my pants to my knees! It was all women, so it wasn’t a matter of being uncomfortable, I just thought that was odd.

Sweat- I’m warm-blooded to begin with, but now my body is a FURNACE. I wear short sleeves in winter. I sweat like crazy just getting up to grab a glass of water. On top of that, the smell of deodorant was absolutely overwhelming during my first trimester, so it was a bad situation. I wore the deodorant to stop me from sweating through my clothes, but hated the smell. Thankfully, now the smell doesn’t bother me as much.

Hip and ligaments changing- As the baby grows, so do your hips. The ligaments get really loose and flexible to allow your hips to widen a bit and prepare for the baby’s grand entrance into the world. Here’s another thing that I was never told will hurt. Sometimes I stand up and my hip feels like it popped out of place. I’ve been doing pre-natal yoga since the 11th week (do not even try to tell me about exercising in the first trimester. Not gonna happen, I’m telling you now!) so the stretching helps a lot with keeping the hips loose and flexible. But still, now and then I get the same shooting ligament pain in my hips like I do in my uterus.

Drooling- When you’re pregnant, you drool. Seriously. Maybe to empathize when the baby starts teething? You have all this excess saliva and sometimes feel like you’re choking on it because your mouth is so full of slobber. Doesn’t that sound positively lovely? Lol

Well, there’s my list- and I’m not even halfway through my pregnancy yet. You heard it candidly from me, folks. Did I miss anything on this list that you’d like to add? Anyone else agree with some of these symptoms? Comment below! 


  1. Holy moly oly. You are very observant. Here are my reflections on your list:

    Extreme thirst - That's me anyway.

    Extreme having to pee - Yup. It goes away during the second trimester and comes back with the third. I got good enough to pee in the dark. :)

    Bleeding gums - Yup. Awful.

    Metallic taste in your mouth - Didn't have that.

    Giant areolas - Yup. I have gone up a cup size with each baby and kept it, regardless of weight loss. I started at a 34C, so this is getting a bit ridiculous. And, hate to say it, but mine got dark. They do fade, though, after I'm done nursing.

    Constipation - Didn't have a problem here, but pushing for labor is a lot like pooping, IMO.

    Gas/Bloating - Not so much here either.

    Fingernail/Hair Growth - Yup on this too. And don't be alarmed after you deliver, but all the extra nice thick hair starts falling out, so you might lose more hair than usual in the shower, etc.

    Heart pounding - Slightly

    Nightmares - Had lots of crazy dreams. Not so much on the nightmares.

    Cameltoe - I tend to go with pants under.

    Black poo - Didn't notice.

    Yeast infections - Only happened once in four pregnancies.

    Uterine stretching pain - OUCH. And again, ouch.

    Peeing in a cup - Ha ha ha. It gets really bad at the end when you can barely reach around and under.

    Aversion to sweets - Didn't have this in particular, but each time I had a different craving. 1st - Pickles. 2nd - Meat. 3rd - Potatoes.

    Half-naked ultrasounds - I only had to barely undo my pants and slide them down a bit for belly ultrasounds.

    Sweat - My body temp just gets wacky each time. However, I'm always roasty toasty at the end.

    Hip and ligaments changing - I always had lower back pain. There is a spot there where I think the back top "corners" of your pelvis can be felt. That spreads apart as you get farther along, and one of the best things that we learned in the prenatal class from the hospital was to have Stephen take his palms on the outside of those points and sorta push in to the center. Felt sooooooo good.

    Drooling- Didn't notice that, but I'll be on the lookout next time. :)

    Oh -- in case I forget to tell you later, you may poop and/or vomit in labor.

  2. Ok just to comment on a couple. Sweat!! Oh my it gets worse especially if you are breast feeding. The first week or so when coming home from the hospital, you will probably have sweat dripping down your armpits. Its awful. And even though my son is 5 months old because I am still BF I go to bed in a tank top because I am so hot at night.
    Nightmares! I had them as well, it was crazy.
    Bleeding gums yup had them as well.
    If your water breaks its a awful feeling as well. It feels like you are on your period and stuff is coming out. Sorry I know its gross to say that, but it does. You feel so gross and I hated the feeling.
    Let me see if I can think of anymore you should know about I will get back to you on that.

  3. Deven- good idea for the hips and I hear you on the poop and vomit during labor. I've heard some funny stories, but I'm really ok with pooping. Everone i have talked to has pooped While pushing. Ha-I'll do whatever it takes to make this happen quickly and get this baby out! Lol

    Rachel- crazy about the sweating! And I've heard from some people that the water gushes out and other people say it's a slow stream like your period. My sister carried a jar of pickles around the grocery store once with me because she thought her water would break. Her plan was that if it did, she would drop the jar of pickles and no one in the store would know her water broke all over the place to save her from embarrassment. Haha!

  4. I am not willing to go through all this and I hope my surrogate does not mind when the time comes.
    Best of luck to all of you pushing a 9 lb nugget out your vagina.

  5. LOL - Adoption sure does have its perks! And to think you still have some time to go before the little one arrives. I'm sure the delivery story will be a hoot and then afterwards...I've heard stories about afterwards, so I'm sure your will not disappoint!

  6. Sarah, that is too funny! Yes, I was actually thinking of you as I wrote some of these gross ones, and realizing that you got all the sweet rewards without the humiliating stuff! Awesome! :) haha yeah, labor and delivery is gonna be a wild story, I'm sure. Dan is sure to entertain during that whole thing. Did I mention how often he talks about how many cows he has birthed on the farm? Guess he figures this is gonna be SO easy for him... ;)

  7. The swelling in the lower region will get worse. With #1 I didn't start swelling until 30 weeks. #2 20 weeks, and #3 12 weeks. I had to wear a pantiliner constantly to keep from getting so irritated!!

  8. So someone mentioned up there that your hair starts falling out after the baby is born. The mom of the baby I nannied for told me that sometimes babies lose toes because mom's hair loss gets stuck around their little toes!!! Make sure you keep your hair back!! :)

    Also- thanks Carmine. I am never having a baby. ;)

  9. I think I can relate to most of these; although, each pregnancy has been different. Unfortunately, for me, they have gotten more uncomfortable/painful, especially my back and hips. Oh, and the round ligament pain is bad. One time, Gracie kicked me really hard and I literally had to breathe through the pain and ended up calling my midwife. She said that some babies just do that, but it hurt for days. I've noticed with this pregnancy that my round ligament pain is particularly bad when I've thrown up, and since I am almost 28 weeks and still throwing up sometimes, the pain is pretty bad.
    And responding to Rebecca: yes, my hair always falls out after I have my babies. And i had a friend whose son got a hair wrapped around his toe and he had to go to two different hospitals to get it taken off. Thankfully, he is fine. So watch for hairs in sock and hairs in diapers, especially for a boy.

    It is all worth it, though! Once you get through the delivery, you'll hardly remember anything that you went through to get to that point. :)


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