Being Sevryn's mom is the most precious gift and responsibility I've ever dreamed of having. She is a real PERSON now, know what I mean? I carried this life inside me, felt strange rolling kicks and saw my belly grow. Then, she appeared before me; this tiny little delicate creature, screaming and kicking and rushing into the world in a grand and urgent fashion. I've seen her change, grow, learn, and mimic us. I've watched as her legs have changed from long and skinny to rolly polly chub that now are taking off bolting in sprints around the apartment and through the parks. She challenges me every day to do what I never fully understood before becoming a parent: living in each moment.
My brain is constantly taking little mental snapshots: her little gap between two new square chiclet teeth, the dimples in her wrists, her bright eyes as she teases us, her little toes spreading out as I pull off her shoes every night before bed and put on her adorable footie pajamas. My life used to be a blur of rush and business. Now, it's a series of moments.
Here are some of our favorite moments of the past year. Enjoy!