This time, I didn't have ANY of those cravings or aversions. I got a positive pregnancy test very early, but I kept testing daily because I couldn't BELIEVE that I was pregnant, since I felt so differently this time. At the beginning, I didn't FEEL any differently. With my first pregnancy, my boobs got HUGE right away. I went from a 32A to a 38C in the first 2 weeks. This time, at 15 weeks, I'm STILL wearing my A cup bras. Isn't that so weird? This time, my skin is very very dry, and with Sevryn, it was oily.
I had early on (and still do) a craving for Instant Ramen Noodles (this, I think is because I really hate salt and salty foods, so my body was probably trying to get more sodium/salt for the pregnancy, since I never eat salt or salty foods normally.) I also had no aversions to coffee- in fact, it tasted wonderful! I have switched to de-caf, as I try not to consume caffeine during pregnancy, but once a month or so, I do have a cappuccino from a real cafe. Mmmmmm!
I had early on (and still do) a craving for Instant Ramen Noodles (this, I think is because I really hate salt and salty foods, so my body was probably trying to get more sodium/salt for the pregnancy, since I never eat salt or salty foods normally.) I also had no aversions to coffee- in fact, it tasted wonderful! I have switched to de-caf, as I try not to consume caffeine during pregnancy, but once a month or so, I do have a cappuccino from a real cafe. Mmmmmm!
I also had really strong cravings for hot and spicy foods, as well as SWEETS. I could eat entire packets of sugar, if I had let myself. I made my husband go to Domino's pizza just for the spicy mango habanera dipping sauce. I made him get about 6 dipping cups of it, and then I put it on EVERYTHING. I swear, I could have eaten sandwiches of just bread and spicy habanero sauce!
With Sevryn, I was pretty sick with morning sickness, and it was 24/7 sickness. I would wake up in the night to puke, and I would keep throwing up during the day and into the next evening. The good news, is it only lasted from weeks 6-11. The day I turned 11 weeks, it was GONE. I went from nauseous to starving (and I mean STARVING) just like that. I couldn't eat fast enough- I remember as I was putting food into my mouth, I was already thinking about what I was going to eat next! I lost 6lbs during the first trimester as a result of being so nauseated, but I probably gained that 6 lbs back in two days!
With this little monster, I started feeling sick at 6 weeks, and was ONLY sick at night- from about 4pm on, I couldn't eat anything except some crackers and water. I learned to eat as much as I could during the day, and just stop eating at 4pm, and this way I wouldn't be vomiting through the evening. The sickness was much less this time, and it ended at 10 weeks, so it was really just 1 month (one LONNNG month!)
There are benefits to being a full time mom when you're pregnant- you don't have to dress up for work, figure out how to squeeze into your work clothes when your belly pops, you can skip doing your makeup and hair, and don't have to deal with crowded public transportation on those mornings when you're always on the verge of barfing everywhere. With Sevryn, I was working full time and I would go to work a full hour EARLY every morning, so that I could get as much puking as I could OVER with before anyone else showed up at the office. This time, it was really nice to be HOME during all that. I am also blessed to have a daughter that SLEEPS (she's making up for it now, since she never slept as a baby!) so I could take a 2 hr nap every morning, 2 hrs every afternoon, and then go to bed when she does at 9pm and sleep til 8am. She is such a sweet and good little girl- she plays really independently and was so good to mama when I was at my sickest.
I'm feeling great now, and I'm 15 weeks pregnant now. Another benefit to having a toddler is that the pregnancy seems to FLY by because you're so busy just tending the first child! Sometimes I forget how many weeks pregnant I am, when with the first, I would be able to tell you exactly how many weeks, days, and how many days left to go til the due date!
I've gained 1.4lbs at the 15 week mark, and I'm trying to stay on track to gain 18-20lbs. I gained 21lbs with my first pregnancy, and I really don't want to go over that, if I can help it. It's just overwhelming to think of adding another 20lbs to my body and STILL having to carry a 23lb toddler and her stroller and diaper bag up and down the subway stairs, and the stairs to our apartment building. As an active urban city mom, I don't have a car or minivan to do all the heaving lifting/carrying for me- my transportation is my own two legs! I really can't wait until the weather warms up and we can carry on with our outdoor lifestyle. I can't wait to spend our days in central park, at the museums, at the water parks, and walking along the Hudson River! That will keep the baby weight off for sure!
Here's a quick picture I'll leave you with of my 14 week baby bump:
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