19 December 2008

To survive an Atomic Bomb, just put a tablecloth over your head!

Sangria makes you silly!

On Monday night, our company had our holiday dinner at "Le Marais" in midtown. Elizabeth, Carmen, and I shared the car service on the way home, and took some goofy pictures after having a BIT too much sangria!

12 December 2008

Transgender My Little Ponies

This article is absolutely AWESOME! Check it out!

Like every girl between 1986 and 1992, I was in LOVE with My little Ponies! Hey, admit it- they were really cool! I never owned a Barbie, but I loved these ponies!

The article is fantastic because it brings up the point that they never created MALE My little Ponies until so much later, so we all ended up using the blue ponies, or the ponies that looked a little more masculine, as the "daddy ponies" in our playtime! Then, they came out with "Lucky", but he was only available via special male (I mean...MAIL) order! Remember Lucky?!

Hilarious- I never really thought about it, but this article brought back so much nostalgia and made me laugh. I just had to share it with you!

Did you guys make your My Little Ponies into transgendered males?

I need a bailout!!!!

This bailout mayhem has gotten ridiculous! Companies are lining up at the government virtual ATM with bags held out to collect billions in cash. I'm glad the senate didn't pass the auto bailout- looks like it will be passed eventually, though. Why not give money BACK to the taxpayer instead, and let us use it to pay off our foreclosed homes, bad credit card debt, and pour it back into the consumer economy to boost retail and the value of the dollar? I just don't get it. Hey, look at me, I'm a corporate executive who's laying off 30,000 employees, but I'm still getting my $50Million Christmas bonus! It's sickening.
It's corporate welfare, basically, and it's being so misused. That's why I thought these 3 pictures were a light hearted look at the bailout crisis in America. The first one says it all- make sure to click on the picture and enlarge so you can read the print at the bottom of the ad. It's perfect.

11 December 2008

Scary Santa Photo Vol I

In honor of this Christmas Season, I will be scouring the internet for the greatest and best Santa photos. If you find any, email them to me at carminblinn@gmail.com

This is a great one to start with- this child looks absolutely terrified, and why shouldn't she? I'm pretty sure Santa's fingernails are embedded in her skin, and he's even creeping ME out with that smile...(*shudder*) Uggghhhhh!

Kid gets stuck in claw vending machine

Check out the news article HERE
The lesson of this story is that you can get anything you want by scrunching yourself up, climbing into a narrow chute, and trying to steal it.

New Spice Girls Poster!

10 December 2008

And the winner is....

It was a close match but the most commenter award goes to... KRISTI with 21 comments! Cari was OH so close with 20!

My readers are the best! I have so much fun writing random stuff on this stupid blog, and I'm glad so many people enjoy it! Thanks for checking in, and thanks so much for your comments! I love to see who's visiting my blog and hear what you think of some of the stuff on here!

No words needed for this one :)

09 December 2008

Adoring Car-MHYN!

Check out the new MAC cosmetics campaign: Adoring CARMINE! See, folks- CARMINE is a color of RED. My cousins on my mom's side have red curly hair, and my mom says she wished that she had a baby with red hair. When I was born, she picked the name CARMINE because of my strawberry red hair. Growing up in Canada, I NEVER had anyone mispronounce my name- just like the name Jasmine or Katherine, no one said "Carm-INE!"

Fast forward 27 years, and here I am living in NY. Everyone says Carm-INE! It's so frustrating, that I decided to drop the "e" from the end, so people will stop butchering it. My friends know it's Carmine, but otherwise, I spell it Carmin.

This MAC ad is a lovely example of the REAL word, and gives me one more opportunity to prove that it's NOT pronounced Carm-INE. I know that italians say that, but it's WRONG. Check out the dictionary definition by clicking HERE. Read the pronounciation. It even has an audio pronounciation, which clearly says Car-myhn. It couldn't be clearer!

yada yada

A few random things to talk about:

New blog readers! Caitlyn is now able to read from CHINA (welcome, Caitlyn!) She's been following my blog via email feed for a while, but now she can actually get on and comment!) Also, Mark and Liz, who have blogs of their own are now on Carmine The Canadian. PLUS, Julie is now on- Cari's sister. Julie, I hope this alleviates your facebook addiction. Maybe now, you will have a Carmine addiction!

Also, I agree, Cari- don't do the Mimosa yellow thing. We've known for years that you + yellow in any form = disaster.

AND, thank you for all your comments! I'm tallying the scores and I will announce our Most Commenter Award later today.

Vegan update

Hello, good people of blogland!
I’m writing today to update you on the vegan cleanse/fast/”diet.” Actually, what’s the opposite of “diet?” Binge? Can I call it a vegan BINGE?
Anyway, today is the last day of our vegan “experiment,” let’s call it. If you’ve done the math, you’ll notice that it’s been 10 days. That’s right- 10 days. We have come to a mutual agreement that we are stopping at 10 days instead of 14. Here’s why:

1) We are GAINING a butt load (pun intended) of weight. The vegan lifestyle centers around starches and grains, and it’s just carb overload. We’ve eaten so much rice, pasta, and pita bread that the scale is officially telling us to back off. Plus, with all the beans, lentils and couscous (the food so nice, they named it twice!), we’re so bloated that we’re wearing sweatpants as often as possible. This is not like us. We are not sweatpant people.

2) We are going to Dan’s parents’ home on Friday for “Christmas,” since we’ll be in Montreal over Christmas Day. His family is cooking up a huge feast of roast beef, dressing, gravy, and I’m told a Pumpkin Pie just for me! Now, there’s 2 reasons right there- first, we want to eat. Not OVER eat, but eat. I can’t imagine trying to explain to Dan’s parents, who are farmers in Amish country, PA, that we are vegan. It’s just sacrilegious. Second, if we do eat the meal on Saturday (which technically, 2 weeks ends on Friday, so we CAN eat on Saturday) I’m SURE we would get very sick, coming straight off this and into eating beef. Not “throw up sick”, the OTHER kind of sick. Get it? Let me put it this way: it’s a 5 hour drive. I’m not bringing toilet paper to accommodate me squatting in the woods on the side of the PA turnpike.

3) I think we’re as CLEANSED as we’re gonna get. Not to be graphic, but believe me. I have to tell ya, if you need to be cleansed of anything, this is the way to do it. I really do feel like my sugar addiction is under control, after avoiding processed foods, fried foods, sugar, and animal products for 10 days. You know what I really crave? Freakin’ SCRAMBLED EGGS! Ugh, I can’t wait! It’s really not the meat that I want at all- I think vegetarian is very manageable. It’s just that I can’t have CHEESE and eggs, and my beloved greek yogurt- even cottage cheese! And OMG SUSHI!!! I could eat sushi for days!!! That’s what I miss.

So, starting tomorrow, we’ve got to ease back onto healthy normal eating. Plus, we have to LOSE the weight we’ve gained! Ugh, was it worth it? Well, at least it gave me new awareness to listening to my body and feeding it what it NEEDS, not whatever junk is available as soon as my belly growls.

Well, that’s it for now. Let me know what you think!

Watch out for those foldaway beds

In Spain, a woman died after being swallowed by her foldaway bed! No joke! Read the full article HERE

Bet this guy doesn't have a job anymore!

Gotta love LIVE tv!

(Warning: NSFW, the "naughty swear words" aren't bleeped out... I'm just sayin'!)

08 December 2008

Hello winter dry skin!

Today, the thermometer dropped DRASTICALLY here in NYC. With the windchill, we're facing temperatures of around 15F (BRRRRRRR!!!!), and as you may know, New Yorkers spend a LOT of time outside. Unlike the rest of the country, who climbs into their cars and drive to work with heat, we layer up tights under our pants, 2 pairs of socks, mittens, scarves, hats, and an ankle-length down parka to top it all off!

Facing the cold wind outside in the winter everyday leaves most of us with DRY SKIN. I have to double up on the moisturizer and lip balm because my cheeks and nose get wind burned, as well as my lips.

But check out these important tips from thedermblog.com:

1. Never use shampoo to wash your body.
(I admit, I'm guilty of this one from time to time, when the body wash runs out! But shampoo is designed to remove oil from your hair, therefore it will remove moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and flaky! GROSS!)

2. Let your shampoo rinse out of your hair while leaning forward, trying to prevent the shampoo from running down your whole body.
(Don't let it touch your body? Ahhh! It's evil!)

3. Never use a soap that makes “bubbles” in the shower or bath, it will strip all the oils off your skin.

4. Use a non-soap cleanser such as Dove.

5. Apply a body moisturizer immediately after showering, while your skin is still damp. This will lock in the moisture that has soaked into your skin, and keep your skin hydrated and protected all day.

Follow these tips and you'll have baby-smooth skin all winter long! Or, just move to the Caribbean and have glowing soft skin all year long...

I'd rather DRINK my mimosa than wear it...

Each year, Pantone selects a "color of the year" to represent the fashion/social feeling in the coming year. Last year, I remember was vibrant cobalt blue. The color of 2009 is....


Check out details in the article found HERE.


05 December 2008

Sweet corn with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Vegan recipe tonight: Check out the pic from my iPhone

Sweetcorn in a Spicy Peanut Sauce
Serves 4

1 tsp sunflower oil or other flavourless oil
1 tsp cumin seed
1 large onion
1 tsp grated fresh ginger root
1 green chilli
4 fresh tomatoes, or 4 tbsp chopped canned tomatoes
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp mild chilli powder
pinch of turmeric powder
350g (12oz) frozen or canned sweetcorn (or fresh baby sweetcorn - see above)
3 tbsp (50g, 2oz) unsweetened peanut butter, preferably crunchy
1 tsp lemon juice

1. Chop the onion. Deseed and chop the green chilli. Chop the tomatoes finely. Measure out all the spices.
2. Heat the oil, then add the cumin seeds and stir. Add the onion and saute until golden.
3. Add the ginger, green chilli, chopped tomatoes, salt, chilli powder, dhana jheera, garam masala and turmeric. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add the sweetcorn, 6 tbsp water and the peanut butter. Simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes if using frozen unthawed sweetcorn and 10 minutes if using frozen thawed or canned.
5. Add lemon juice to taste, mix well and serve.

It's FRIDAY! Here's a free laugh from me to YOU!

Please please click HERE!

Didn't you hear me??? CLICK HERE!


Did you watch it yet? OMG, hilarious, right? Poor old guy :(

Vegan baking attempt: Pumpkin Cookies

I tried a vegan cookie recipe last night: Pumpkin cookies. I LOOOOOVE pumpkin, so it sounded logical! Instead of milk and eggs, the recipe uses applesauce and brown sugar, with oatmeal for texture.

When I stirred up the dough, I couldn't help but notice it's unusual color and texture. And how did it taste? HORRIBLE.

Let's just say it tasted exactly how it looked: and it looked exactly like baby diarrhea.

So, I'll do you all a favor and NOT share the recipe with you. I threw out the cookies AND all the dough. It was not a good experiment.

Oh, and also, 2 days ago, I was down 2 LBS! But today, I got on the scale and was back UP 1 lb, so I don't think it was really a weight loss. It was probably water or salt weight. (Sad frowny face.) Like I said, this is NOT a diet. It's a lifestyle, it's not really for losing weight ( now you've been warned!)

Tomorrow will be the start of week 2, and I can't wait until it's over. I 'm NOT quitting because I'm just the kind of person that says their gonna do something and I HAVE to do it, no matter what. Dan wants to get out in the worst way, so I told him, hey, you can eat whatever you want during the day, but I'm not wasting all this food we bought (EXPENSIVE food we bought!) so I'm still cooking vegan every night for dinner.

Since yesterday, I've had a headache. I thought it was caffeine withdrawl from no coffee/soda, so I drank a coke zero. Nope, still had the headache. Then I took 2 advil- still had the headache. I drank ANOTHER soda later in the day, and still had a headache. I think it's low iron, maybe. I'm taking a multivitamin, but I still just feel blah.

This morning, the headache was back, and it woke me up early in the morning with pain. I took more Tylenol and laid down. Now I'm at work and drinking ANOTHER coke zero to see if it will help. It's a little less, but still there. Most people would say, "OK, if this is making you feel like crap, then STOP," but I just CAN'T!

It's not really the milk that I'm missing- I think I could go without dairy and cheese no problem. It's the EGGS for some reason. I'm used to eating egg whites in the morning, or omelets with spinach and mushrooms. I just can't wait to eat a big plate of scrambled eggs next Sunday, when we're off the vegan plan!

04 December 2008

03 December 2008

Tropical Delight

Last night's vegan meal was Tropical Black Beans & Rice. It turned out great! This is another recipe that we definitely voted to keep in the mix with our other favorites, once the vegan cleanse is over. Try it for yourself!

Tropical Black Beans & Rice

non-stick spray
1/2 cup(s) red onion(s), chopped
1/2 cup(s) orange juice
1/3 cup(s) fresh lime juice
2 tbsp cilantro, fresh, chopped
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 medium sweet red pepper(s), chopped (about 1/2 cup)
1/2 medium green pepper, chopped (about 1/2 cup)
1 medium mango(es), diced
2 medium garlic clove(s), minced
15 oz canned black beans, rinsed and drained
3 cup(s) cooked brown rice, kept hot

Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray.

Add all ingredients except beans and rice. Cook, stirring occasionally, until peppers are crisp-tender, about 5 minutes.

Stir in beans. Cook until heated through, about 5 minutes. Serve over rice.

Screw YOU, Britney one more time!

Tuesday morning. 5:45am. My alarm goes off and I rush to get ready and head down to Times Square. Why? Because “It’s Britney, Bitch.” Britney’s birthday performance on Good Morning America in Times Square!

Carmen and Elizabeth are meeting me in front of Hard Rock Café on 44th street. I texted Carmen as I was coming out of the subway, “Is it packed? Is there a huge crowd?” “No one’s here!” she says.

Oh crap.

What’s going on? We wandered around for 10 minutes looking down side streets and trying to figure out where Britney’s stage is set up. We know it’s not at Bryant Park, because the ice rink is set up. We check our iPhones and google it, and everything says “Britney Spears Times Square.” What’s going on????

So then we find a limo driver outside of the ABC studios who tells us that it’s been moved to Lincoln Center on 62nd and 9th. WHAT?! We figure, hey, there’s gonna be a lot of people out there, but there’s lots of room at Lincoln center and we may as well head up there to see if we can still get a spot where we can see the stage.

We take the subway up to Lincoln Center (which, by the way is only 6 blocks from my apartment, so I came all the way downtown just to go back UP again!) We come out of the subway….AGAIN. NO ONE THERE!

We walk around for a while, looking for Escalades with tinted windows, crew trucks, police, whatever and we finally spot them- outside the Big Apple Circus lot on 64th and Broadway. There’s a huge line and even though I tried to talk our way in with some of the security guys, they make us walk to the end of the block and get in line.

We stand in line, and finally it starts moving. Some security people say something about tickets (What? Tickets? We don’t have tickets! Where were we supposed to get tickets?!) I stay calm and try to convince Elizabeth and Carmen to just stay in the center of the crowd and keep moving, even though we don’t have tickets. Hey, maybe we can sneak in anyway!

The line moves for a while and then all of a sudden…it just separates. Yeah, we weren’t in line for ANYTHING, once we got to the front of the line, security was just making people walk away! It was so bizarre and frustrating! Here were are, out in the cold at 7am trying to see a live performance and turns out that it was never even open to the public!

To get tickets, you had to be in Britney’s fan club, or go into a draw from her website. I think some radio stations had them as giveaways, and probably all the staff of ABC and friends, family, you know the drill. We were SCREWED. SCREWED!!!!!!!

So yeah, so much for Britney’s stupid performance. Oh yeah, and double whammy- she announced her “world” tour (gimme a break- WORLD tour just because you play 2 shows in London and a couple in Canada?!) and she’s NOT even coming to New York!!! What the??? Yeah, the nearest she’s playing is NEWARK, New-FREAKIN-Jersey!!

Madonna would NEVER have betrayed me like this!

Vegans eat cute little bunnies, apparently...

So, I got these Annie’s Bunny Snacks at Whole Foods yesterday. They’re organic, they have no preservatives, and they’re VEGAN. But, this is what’s troubling to me: see, if you’re vegan, you’re supposed to have a higher consciousness about animals and the ethical treatment of creatures. This is why chewing on the flesh of animals is so disturbing to vegans. So, why then am I chewing on these cute little BUNNIES?!

Shouldn’t they have made these fruit snacks in the shapes of strawberries or cherries or something? I’m chewing the heads off little BUNNIES for crying out loud! And, they're RUNNING FOR THEIR LIVES!!!
The irony of it all.

02 December 2008

Spaghetti Cat

I seriously LOVE watching The Soup (not TALK SOUP!) on E! It's one of my favorite shows, and I'm in love with Joel McHale. One of my favorite all-time soup clips is Spaghetti Cat (above.)

On "The Morning Show, with Mike and Juliet," they were doing a story about binge drinking, when inexplicably, they cut to a picture of a cat eating spaghetti! Even more hilarious, they didn't speak of it or reference it at all- the show just continued as normal!

Freakin' Spaghetti Cat, you are the BEST!

Oh yeah...

..and, I was DOWN 0.6lbs this morning! Hardly considered an actual loss, but at least I didn't keep gaining. Like I said, I won't be surprised if I stay the same or gain a little on this 2 week thing, because of all the carbs.

Curry kitchen

So yeah, we're sticking with this vegan thing- Dan told me that yesterday he and some coworkers went to Qdoba for lunch, and he even managed to eat vegan there! He had a burrito bowl with rice, peppers, black beans, corn and salsa. Pretty good! I had vegan chili for lunch ( it was meh...)

Last night, vegan cauliflower curry was on the menu. That's right, CURRY! I was worried that my apartment would smell like Wayne Drive at Kingswood! LOL Actually, it turned out really good, and didn't even smell up the apartment the way I feared it might. It was made with coconut milk, peas, carrots, brown rice, and cauliflower- very good, but not spicy enough. What do you add to curry to make it spicier? Anyone know?

01 December 2008


So, day 3 on the vegan cleanse and SHOCKER... I'm actually UP 0.4 lbs! What the?! So, yeah, I don't know about the weight loss aspect of it, but oh well. I'm not surprised by the weight gain, though- since I've discovered most of the vegan diet depends heavily on STARCHES, which seems to be the opposite of what dieting wisdom suggests. Every meal we eat is heavy in carbs, so it seems logical that you WOULDN'T lose weight. But, on the other hand, you're not eating much fat at all, so maybe the weight gain is just temporary.

I have to stress again, that vegan is SO easy to do unhealthily- think about it, you could eat skittles, pringles, bugles, pretzels and basically anything else that ends in "uhls" and you'd technically be eating vegan. It's really hard to do it healthily and maintain all your nutrients.

For breakfast, I had a vegan oatmeal scone (again, lots of CARBS!), for lunch I had vegan chili (made with tofu or soy or some kind of fake meat) and 3 clementines and an apple throughout the day for snacks. I also have not had any SODA since we've started the vegan thing. Again, technically it IS vegan, but hey, we're trying to do it right. I might cave and have a coke zero at some point because I am getting headaches from the caffeine withdrawl. We'll see...

Before and After!

NY Magazine has an article online showing all the Gucci Models arriving for the fashion show in Milan, with no make up and bedhead hair. Then, you hold your mouse over each picture and see the AMAZING transformation into what they looked like on the runway! It's amazing what make up can do! Give these artists a RAISE!

Ugh, and also, isn't it crazy how gross and malnourished these models look without makeup? It's like their skin is translucent! I looked at some of these headshots and thought for a second I was looking at mug shots for crackheads!

Check out the article here: NY magazine

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

I've noticed that 90% of the comments on this blog come from about 4 people, so this week, I'm starting a "FREQUENT COMMENTER AWARD!" Whoever comments the most will be the winner, and recieve a limited edition Frequent Commenter Award graphic design that I will create and poste on my blog, with their picture or something. (I'll have to think about this!) The winner will be announced next Monday, the 8th.

Not only will there be an award for the most frequent comments, but I will also be judging on most creative/thought provoking commenter. And maybe some other categories that I think up as I go along... I can do whatever I want, people: it's MY blog! :) Ha ha ha..uhh..ok.
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