31 August 2007
We really have no idea, do we? Freedom is never free. And as much as I want every troop brought home, and as much as I oppose the war, I will always be grateful for every man and woman who fought and gave everything to make sure that the bad guys never win. Living in New York City, the very spot where 6 years ago, terrorists fought to take our freedom, makes me even more thankful. NYC is the perfect example of resiliance and determination-this city refuses to bow and refuses to move.
Brad, how can I ever say thank you? It was always my job as your big sister to take care of you, and look out for your safety, but you risked your life for me and millions of strangers who will never even know your name. There's gotta be a better word than "hero" for that.
29 August 2007
Talking to Americans
I'm posting this specifically for my American friends to enjoy! This show is a Canadian favourite, and there's hundreds of episodes on YouTube. It never ceases to amaze me what comes out of these American's mouths! It makes it even funnier because these people are educated individuals from Harvard, political leaders, and professors, and they think that Canadians live in igloos and eat Beaver Balls. Don't leave mean comments- I understand that not EVERYONE is this clueless about Canada, and I hope that just by knowing ME, you've learned even a little bit about your neighbour to the north!
P.S- If you don't get the "Seal hunt in Saskatchewan" joke, look up Saskatchewan on Google Maps...
I bet Brad's tired of this scenery...
My younger brother, Brad, has been in Afghanistan since the beginning of the year. His tour is ending soon, and he'll be home any day now! If the war hasn't touched close to home for you, then please let these pictures remind to you keep our troops in prayer. You may not support the war, but you must support the brave kids out there.
Stupid Headlines
28 August 2007
Aw Nuts
Here comes the Circus!
NYC fashion week means a lot in our household, because I basically won’t be seeing my husband for the next 4-6 days. All the head honchos from Italy are flying in, and part of his job is to schmooze like he’s never schmoozed before! Diesel is having their fashion show in Bryant park, and I’m sure there will be some fabulous after-parties! Last year, the party was at Gotham Hall, and James Brown was our surprise special performance. (I don’t think he’ll make it this year…)
26 August 2007
My Romeo
Momma & Prince
Prince also loves plastic bottlecaps. When he hears someone open a soda, he comes running and then waits for the perfect opportunity. As soon as you set the bottle cap down, he'll sneak up slowly, grab it, and RUN! Mean Momma always takes it away, because they're so easy to choke on. I can't really yell though, cause it's so cute when he does it!
Prince also likes to talk- he doesn't bark, he literally vocalizes like he's talking. He has different sounds and conversations, depending if he's mad, if he's trying to get to you take him to the park, or if he's telling on his big brother cause he thinks something's not fair. He sounds kinda like Scooby Doo!
24 August 2007
Dedicated to Jess and Cory
Very A-PEELing!
I first read about Joe Ades, known in NYC as the "carrot/potato peeler salesman" in an issue of Vanity Fair magazine last year. When we moved to New York, I set out to see this man that I'd read about for myself. He truly is a legend. At 72 years old, this man sits out at various locations every day in NYC and sells these vegetable peelers, which actually are really good peelers. His charm, his cockney accent, and impeccable suits make him an instant standout. In the article I read, he said that his trick is to always sit LOW on the ground, because it creates a crowd and no one can see what everyone is standing around looking at, so they press in closer and it generates more curiosity. The Vanity Fair article revealed that this man is a millionnaire many times over, and no one ever believes him when he tells them he's made his fortune peddling potato peelers!
In December, I finally saw him on 5th Avenue, near my office. Of course, I bought a peeler! When I bought it, he said, "Just one? What about for your friends?" "No thanks," I said, smiling. "Awww," he said loudly with a grin, "Ladies and Gentlemen, a sad sad sight indeed- this lovely young thing doesn't have any friends! What are we to do? Someone, buy her a potato peeler to cheer her up, eh?" (He's good, right?)
I found this video on YouTube, but I shot these pictures myself last week on my lunch break. He had set up his "shop" right outside the entrance to my building on 5th Ave. It cheers me each time I see him around Manhattan. If you come to NYC, make sure you look for Joe... and for goodness' sakes, BUY A FREAKIN' PEELER, TOO!
Tall tails
Anyway, I haven't seen any rats other than a couple times down in the subway pits, and they're usually small and more like little mice. EXCEPT, last night Dan and I came up out of the subway station at 72nd street, at about 1 AM, and there was a DEAD RAT laying right at the entrance to the station!! It was GINORMOUS, and it was laying on it's back with it's feet sticking up in the air. It must have been poisoned and stumbled up onto the street. It was weird, cause it was grossing me out, but I couldn't look away! Dan almost tripped over it at first, because we weren't expecting it. That would've been so disgusting- kicking a dead rat in your flip flops?! OMG!
22 August 2007
Pretty cute...
20 August 2007
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
17 August 2007
Look away, baby, look away
So, since you can't avoid the proximity, you really just get used to it. The first lesson to learn is to avoid staring or making eye contact. Stare at whatever else you can- your shoes, your iPod, or "pretend" to be looking out the window of the train (which is really just a black tunnel.) If you accidentally stare at someone, and (heaven forbid) they catch you- quickly smile apologetically, and quickly look down at your phone or watch or SOMETHING. You can also pretend you were staring out the (non-existent) window near their head. In a moment of desperation, I'll admit I've even closed my eyes immediately and faked a sudden narcolepsy attack. (don't laugh, it's true.) It's creepy enough to be butt to butt with the person behind you and face to armpit with the person in front of you, but if you have to LOOK at them, well it's 10x more uncomfortable.
Which leads me to this crazy guy yesterday on the train, who- inches from my face, and at about my height (short guy), STARED unrelentlessly at me the WHOLE trip. I even did the "hey, I'm looking back at you because I know you're staring and I want you to stop" thing, and he only turned away for a second. Then I got self-conscious: is there something on my face? Is my mascara running from my face in this other guy's back sweat? (kidding!) I got off the train, and looked over my shoulder every step to see if this psycho was gonna pull out a bic pen he'd sharpened into a weapon or something... (I dunno, my imagination took hold.)
Turns out, he was just your typical rush hour commuter weirdo.
15 August 2007
Creepy Kiddy Rides!
Do you remember begging you parents for a quarter to ride these things at the mall? If you did, then you can officially say you had a great childhood! Good times!
For: you
I don’t want to stop saying hellos for the fear of saying good-byes.
THEN, when I was leaving work and got on the subway home, the WORST headache of my life hit me like a freight train. It was located directly over my left eye, and I could barely see walking home. I tried several remedies: I thought it was because was dehydrated, so I drank a ton of water. Nope. I thought maybe I didn't eat enough during the day, so I ate dinner... Nope. I tried to find Tylenol, but Dan had forgotten to mention that he had used it all (thanks, babe.) I was laying on the couch with my head buried under blankets and pillows, when I remembered I had bought a gel-filled eye mask that you can warm up in the microwave or chill in the fridge. Dan brought it to me (from the fridge) and I put it on. We started giggling because since it was sitting next to the Brie, it reeked like CHEESE! Gross! Dan asked me later, “So, is your cheese mask helping?” I couldn’t take it anymore, and I begged him to run down to the corner store and buy me some PILLS. After gulping them down, I put myself to bed at 8:00.
Yesterday, around 2 in the afternoon, I started to feel the SAME headache coming on. That’s when it clicked that it was the CAFFEINE withdrawal from cutting out my diet pepsi! I wasn’t willing to suffer any longer, so I decided it’s best to wean myself off the colas for now… I filled my glass with about an inch of diet pepsi, and threw it back like a shot. Guess what? NO headache!
It’s awful, when you realize what all that diet soda must have done to my body- it’s really like an addiction; I can’t live without it! I think I’ll start trying green tea in the afternoon, and keep limiting my diet pepsi intake to just a quick shot if necessary.
14 August 2007
Spread the word!
Q: Where do flies sleep?
A: In a little bed
Q: Is it possible to be too cold to snow?
A: It doesn't snow in your FREEZER, does it?
Q: If In order to save the world, you'd have to lay waste to one nation, which would it be and why?
A: Antarctica. If we got rid of that, then maybe just maybe peeps would stop banging on about global warming, and then we wouldn't drown from the ice caps melting
13 August 2007
Come on, give it up guys
Sun/Scum protection
When walking down the street, if you don't have sunglasses or any glasses for that matter, you will inevitably get dirt, dust, debris and soot in your eyes. It stings, it burns, and of course you don't wanna rub your eyes with your hands, because you've just been holding onto a slimy, steamy subway pole on the train for 20 minutes. I must have built up the immune system of a superhero, when you consider the elevator buttons have been pressed by a couple thousand people a day, the handrails on the escalators probably have fecal matter on them... yuck!
When it's hot and humid, like it has been for the last few weeks, you can literally feel the dirt and dust sticking to your face. When a city bus roars by, or a diesel truck puffs out a black cloud as you're waiting beside it to cross the street, you'll be glad your eyes are at least covered.
Yey for SCUM glasses!
11 August 2007
I'm thinking I might buy this...
THIS. Check out the virtual tour by clicking on the link!
This mansion is in Marco Island, FL and is 23,000 square feet!!! (Keep in mind, our Manhattan duplex is about 700 square feet!) It's fully furnished, and it's a steal at just $11.5 Million!
I'll have Celine Dion and Whitney Houston over for tea in the breakfast room! Britney, you can come to Carmine's Rehab and stay in the guest house. My concept is to treat addiction by substituting yummy alternatives like skittles and lick-m-aid.
One Million Dollar Coin!
Way to go, Canada!
The Royal Canadian Mint will open bidding on August 16th for the world's largest gold coin! The coin weighs 100KG (220lbs for you Americans), and is worth ONE MILLION DOLLARS! Look, it's printed right on the coin, isn't that so funny?
I'd love to take this coin to the dollar store and buy 1,000,000.00 articles of useless $1 crap. Oh, wait, there's tax- I guess I couldn't quite buy 1,000,000.00 things, then. You'd need an additional $150,000 for the 15% GST Provincial tax in New Brunswick! That's a sickening realization, right there.
Or what about asking someone, "Hey, do you have change for a MILLION?"
10 August 2007
Full Deck
Photoshop 101
09 August 2007
Yikes, I'm officially closer to 30 than 20 now... that's a sudden realization!
08 August 2007
Wet One!
The real mess was the NYC transit system. Every day, about 1.9 million people commute to work via subway, and with this storm, every train line was shut down. Water poured in and flooded the tracks, so the trains weren’t running. Funny thing is, I made it to work EARLY! I got on the 1 train (local) at 72nd street, and got off at my usual stop, 42nd street/Times Square. When the train stopped at Times Square, they evacuated everyone and police closed off the entrances and wouldn’t let anyone into the subway stations. From that point on, every subway line across Manhattan was closed. My co-worker walked from 125th street in the Bronx down to our office on 45th. That’s 8 miles! The sidewalks were packed, people were fighting for cabs and squeezing onto overcrowded buses. I sure was lucky, cause I just walked upstairs and down the street to my office!
Subways are back on and running, so hopefully I’ll be home in time for Access Hollywood :)
Check out the story here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20177120/