26 August 2007

Momma & Prince

Prince and Romeo have such personalities- they look alike, but if you spend anytime with them, you'll instantly recognize who's who just by their character. This picture is Prince- he's the baby, and he knows it! He's cuddley and floppy, and he cries and whimpers to get anything he wants (treats, toys, walks...) he's got me whipped! Prince is bigger than his big brother Romeo, but he always lays on his back and lets Romeo wrestle him and boss him around. Romeo's new trick is to run into the bathroom and wait until Prince isn't paying attention, and then he comes RUNNING out and tackles Prince to the floor! He wrestles a little bit, and then gets up and runs back into the bathroom to start the game all over again. It's so funny to watch!

Prince also loves plastic bottlecaps. When he hears someone open a soda, he comes running and then waits for the perfect opportunity. As soon as you set the bottle cap down, he'll sneak up slowly, grab it, and RUN! Mean Momma always takes it away, because they're so easy to choke on. I can't really yell though, cause it's so cute when he does it!

Prince also likes to talk- he doesn't bark, he literally vocalizes like he's talking. He has different sounds and conversations, depending if he's mad, if he's trying to get to you take him to the park, or if he's telling on his big brother cause he thinks something's not fair. He sounds kinda like Scooby Doo!

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