15 August 2007


Ok, so update on my addiction to diet cola- on Monday, I went "cold turkey" and decided that I would never drink a diet soda (pop) again. I had no problem with cravings, shakes, hallucinations, you know all the expected vices of an addict trying to stay sober...

THEN, when I was leaving work and got on the subway home, the WORST headache of my life hit me like a freight train. It was located directly over my left eye, and I could barely see walking home. I tried several remedies: I thought it was because was dehydrated, so I drank a ton of water. Nope. I thought maybe I didn't eat enough during the day, so I ate dinner... Nope. I tried to find Tylenol, but Dan had forgotten to mention that he had used it all (thanks, babe.) I was laying on the couch with my head buried under blankets and pillows, when I remembered I had bought a gel-filled eye mask that you can warm up in the microwave or chill in the fridge. Dan brought it to me (from the fridge) and I put it on. We started giggling because since it was sitting next to the Brie, it reeked like CHEESE! Gross! Dan asked me later, “So, is your cheese mask helping?” I couldn’t take it anymore, and I begged him to run down to the corner store and buy me some PILLS. After gulping them down, I put myself to bed at 8:00.

Yesterday, around 2 in the afternoon, I started to feel the SAME headache coming on. That’s when it clicked that it was the CAFFEINE withdrawal from cutting out my diet pepsi! I wasn’t willing to suffer any longer, so I decided it’s best to wean myself off the colas for now… I filled my glass with about an inch of diet pepsi, and threw it back like a shot. Guess what? NO headache!

It’s awful, when you realize what all that diet soda must have done to my body- it’s really like an addiction; I can’t live without it! I think I’ll start trying green tea in the afternoon, and keep limiting my diet pepsi intake to just a quick shot if necessary.

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