13 August 2007

Sun/Scum protection

In NYC, sunglasses aren't a fashion statement, they're a necessity. I'm not one of those crazies that wear sunglasses indoors, or underground in the subway, but I rarely am outside without them, even if it's cloudy, foggy or semi-dark. The reason? I came to the realization that sunglasses aren't so much for protection from the SUN- they're just as much considered eye safety goggles!

When walking down the street, if you don't have sunglasses or any glasses for that matter, you will inevitably get dirt, dust, debris and soot in your eyes. It stings, it burns, and of course you don't wanna rub your eyes with your hands, because you've just been holding onto a slimy, steamy subway pole on the train for 20 minutes. I must have built up the immune system of a superhero, when you consider the elevator buttons have been pressed by a couple thousand people a day, the handrails on the escalators probably have fecal matter on them... yuck!

When it's hot and humid, like it has been for the last few weeks, you can literally feel the dirt and dust sticking to your face. When a city bus roars by, or a diesel truck puffs out a black cloud as you're waiting beside it to cross the street, you'll be glad your eyes are at least covered.

Yey for SCUM glasses!

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