20 November 2006

Forget the South Beach Diet...Check out the New York City Diet!

So I've come to believe that New Yorkers can't be fat because they can't AFFORD to be fat! First of all, I'm walking EVERYWHERE, and secondly, check out my grocery bill for this week:

1 small carton of milk 1 small bag of dry dog food

4 sticks of margerine 1 box dog biscuits

1 loaf of white bread 1 pkg Halls coughdrops

3 apples 2L Diet Mt. Dew

Total: $18.65!!!

That's the New York Diet! Looking at my list, it would appear that the dogs are eating better than we are. No wonder the kitchens in NY apartments are so tiny- it's more expensive to buy groceries than to eat out! I guess it's a good thing that we have a tiny little mini-bar sized fridge in our apt- at least it looks full in comparison!

New York City- A Magical City that turns everything EXPENSIVE!

What better way to relax after moving boxes all day, than with an ice-cold can of Diet Coke? "Good idea, Carmine," I thought to myself. I walked to the corner market at the end of our block, and picked up a 6-pack of what I now consider, "liquid gold." Take a stab at how much a 6 pack of Diet Coke cost me in New York City? $5.50!!!! I could almost buy a gallon of GAS for that amount!
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