30 July 2010

Poor guy!

I found this website called "Things Rachael and I argue about" and it's hilarious! Bascially, a guy blogs about all the wacko things his girlfriend gets mad at him for. It's worth a gander!


While your inappropriate use of apostrophes is convincing, I don’t think this poster is going to get many people into a church.

ha ha

Who says romance is dead?

Last words

Last words of executed murderers:

  • George Appel (1928): “Well, folks, you’ll soon see a baked Appel.”
  • James W. Rodgers (1960): (asked for a last request) “Why, yes — a bulletproof vest.”
  • Frederick Wood (1963): “Gentlemen, you are about to see the effects of electricity upon Wood.”
  • James French (1966): “I have a terrific headline for you in the morning: ‘French Fries’.”
  • Jimmy Glass (1987): “I’d rather be fishing.”

In 1856, English murderer William Palmer stood on the gallows and asked, “Are you sure it’s safe?”

27 July 2010


You moms and your crafty ideas!! Check out this smartypants mommy who has fun taking pictures of what her baby girl might be dreaming about while she naps! I'm impressed- mostly that she has this much free time on her hands with a newborn in the house. When does SHE sleep if she's busy doing all this stuff? Anyway, enjoy!

Catalog Living

Oh wow, I LOVE this blog! It's hysterical! They take catalog pictures from West Elm, Crate & Barrel, etc. and provide a narrative based on the absurdity of the arrangement of styling in the photo. Check it out!

26 July 2010

Times Square

Another renovation to Times Square: now it's gone from polka dots to blue swirly things. I have no words. Ugh!

Any ideas what this is supposed to be?

-- Post From My iPhone

5 things you never knew your cell phone could do!

I thought I knew a lot about cell phones, but I was suprised by EVERYTHING on this list! Number 2 is awesome! And the extra battery power? Amazing tip!

Check out THIS ARTICLE and pass it on!

23 July 2010

Hello, Weekend!

It's been a long week for my husband at work- I think this picture sums up how glad he is that it's Friday :)

-- Post From My iPhone

21 July 2010

Little Lady Big Family

Bonjour et salut, tout le monde! I have been out of bloggerland because we were in Canada to celebrate my Dad's retirement with my family. My Mom & Dad also hosted us all at their new home they just built, and it was great to have us all together again! I have 3 brothers and 1 sister, and we are spread out all over the world so it's very seldom that we are all together in one place at one time.

Me and my siblings (I'm the second to youngest of the 5)

My Mama & Papa with their 5 children

And finally...all of us!

09 July 2010

Day in chinatown

Yesterday, I spent the day with my sister in law and niece in Chinatown.

We found ridiculous amounts of Pocky! Giant pocky too!

We spent $25 on absorbent amounts of crazy Japanese candy!

We laughed at some questionable products at the grocery store!

We had steamed dumplings for lunch, bubble tea and green tea ice cream!

We watched a parade with a dancing dragon! Yay Chinatown!

-- Post From My iPhone

08 July 2010

Boy oh Boy!

Dan and I got to babysit little 6 week old Rhys- he's a snuggler! The dogs were fascinated by him!

Dan relaxing with a cup of coffee

-- Post From My iPhone

Auntie Erika :)

Erika and Joe came to visit us last weekend and the boys were SO excited to see them!! Aww!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Apple Store 5th Ave

Part of our touristy activities this week was visiting the apple store on Fifth Ave. This store is a giant cube, with the actual store underground. It's like you're descending into a secret lair- so cool. And of course, uber packed with tourists. The store is open 7 days a week 24 hrs a day!

-- Post From My iPhone

The big green lady

My sister in law and niece are visiting here for the week from Copenhagen. Denmark. We sailed out to the Statue of Liberty on Monday evening because It's been a HEAT WAVE here in NYC and it's just unbearable to be out during the afternoon. It turned out to be a perfect time to sail though, since the sunset was so beautiful and the cool breeze from the boat was just divine after a day of 102F temps.

-- Post From My iPhone

July the IV

We celebrated independence day with a big party at our apartment. We have a view that overlooks the Hudson and we could take in all 5 barges of fireworks in one huge panoramic view! Here's some pictures dan took with my iPhone. It was absolutely spectacular!!

-- Post From My iPhone

01 July 2010


Yay! Today is Canada's Birthday- Happy CANADA DAY, Everyone! In honour of my home and native land, please watch this inspiring video clip. And eat some poutine. And a cup of Tim Hortons. YES!!

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