29 June 2009

Food Inc- Saw it!

On Saturday, Dan and I saw the film "Food Inc." at an independant movie theatre in SoHo. I know the film has a very limited release, but I urge all of my readers to PLEASE remember to rent it when it comes out on video. I posted the trailer a few days ago, and more information can be found at the website HERE

This film lifts the veil on the American food industry and exposes how our food supply is now controlled by just a handful of huge corporations that often put profit ahead of the consumer's health and safety. It was an absolute eye-opening experience, and it's changed the way I think about processed food, meats, produce, and the chemicals that I've (unknowingly!) been injecting into my body. The movie is NOT a gore fest trying to scare you into never going near a steak again- it doesn't focus on that stuff. Instead, the information is presented very thoughtfully, and we are shown some shocking truths about the way our food is produced, how Americans eat, and where we are headed from here.

When you walk through the supermarket, you see labels on the food everywhere that try to perpetuate the image of a quaint little midwestern farm, with a red barn and a picket fence. In actuality, our food is raised on massive factory farms and mega industrial plants. The system is more productive and ever, and allows us the CHEAPEST, and most affordable food that our society has ever known- but at what COST to our health? Farmers are afraid to speak out, at the fear of lawsuits from the massive corporations that sustain them.

It's dangerous to have a national food system that is controlled by powerful corporations that don't WANT you to see how your food is made, think about where it comes from, or criticize their processes. The simple process of planting and harvesting food has become so complex and mutated through antibiotics, genetic lab-created food, and chemicals.

The film goes inside a chicken farm and we get to see the unethical things that antibiotics and high-tech breeding are doing to these animals. It used to take a chick 3 months to grow into adulthood- now it takes about 40 days. The chickens have massive oversized breasts, because Americans want white meat chicken more than dark meat. These chickens are so deformed that many cannot even stand because of the weight of these massive breasts and malformations, and a significant amount of them die before they are even brought to the market. The farmer who runs the chicken farm is now IMMUNE to antibiotics because of the amount of antibiotics that these chickens have injected into their food just to keep them alive long enough to slaughter them. After giving the interview for this tour, Tyson dropped her contract and she lost everything just for talking about it and exposing these conditions in the film.

What's empowering is that the consumer DOES yield the power to change this, and we each have the opportunity to VOTE on this system 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner! Check out this film, consider paying a bit extra for the better health of your family and your children, and purchase organic food items at ANY opportunity. Support small local farms and farmers markets!

On second thought...

Good thing they have to post the calorie content by law here in NYC. 470 calories for a cheesecake factory cupcake? Never mind... I'll pass!

28 June 2009

White girl

Today, Dan and I ventured OFF the island of Manhattan (a rareity) to BROOKLYN to visit a friend at a house party. His apartment is 10x the size of anything you'd find in Manhattan and a fifth of the price. That's why people try to convince us to move there!

Not only were me and my husband confused and disoriented in this "strange and foreign land", but we also wandered into this puerto rican PARADE! Dan was cracking up because I was literally the whitest person there and people were staring me up and down as we walked down the block-hilarious! Hey, I love Puerto Rico, but I sure wasn't fooling the locals into looking like I belonged there LOL!

-- Posted From My iPhone

26 June 2009


This guy has a great flickr album with pictures of CHIPMUNKS that he somehow be-friended and managed to pose for pictures with his star wars figures.

Check out the full slideshow HERE Oh, and while your at it, check out some of his other photos too- he's good!

surviving the world

Here's a fun website called "Surviving the World." The idea is, this guy has a chalkboard, and every day, he posts a daily "tip" for how to survive every day life. Obviously, it's meant to be sarcastic, but some of them are downright TRUE and actually SHOULD be lessons taught to people on how to survive daily life.

Check out the website: http://www.survivingtheworld.net

You can click on the buttons at the top to start at the beginning and then read through them by hitting "next", or you can choose one at random.

Everything is Amazing and nobody is happy

Here's a great clip found by my friend Steve. Really puts it in perspective, right??=

Long live the King

Michael Jackson meant so much to me and Dan. Each time I hear one of his songs, I get that happy little jump of excitement, and I am always amazed that his music is just as relevant today as it was 27 or more years ago when he pushed the record button.

We were eagerly anticipating attending his concert in London on August 28th. Back in January, we set the alarm for 3am NYC time so that we could buy pre-sale tickets, and both of us actually CRIED a bit when we succeeded in getting not only 2 tickets to his show, but 2 FRONT SECTION tickets. We were beyond ecstatic, and since that day, we've been counting down the days until we'd get to see the KING perform live in London.

Dan has a wonderful story of his first memory of Michael Jackson. He was about 8 years old when Billie Jean came out and the video premiered on MTV. He was at a family member's house because he didn't have tv in his home. When the video started, and he saw Michael start to dance, he says a feeling came over him and he can remember just really not knowing what to do. He was so excited, he ran up to the tv, and immediately started trying to copy his moves- moves that people had never seen before, and dance to the beats that no one had HEARD before. He describes a feeling that he thought he was going to DIE- he was just so overwhelmed and couldn't contain his excitement and this rush of feelings that came over him when he watched the King of Pop for the first time.

I was too young to remember it happening live, but I LOVE watching the video of when Michael Jackson does the moonwalk for the first time. Wow, it makes me cry every time. No one had ever seen anything like that in history. He created it, and it became the basis for a whole exploration of dance and moving the human body in ways we'd never even considered before.

I insist that you watch the entire performance HERE. Think about it in the context of the time: this is 1983. This is his FIRST solo performance- before this, he was performing in the Jackson 5. Think about this costume, the hat, the GLOVE, standing up on his toes like that. This audience couldn't even PROCESS what they were seeing and hearing! That's art. That's inspired art and a sincere desire to manifest genuine music and performances.

Michael Jackson had many failures as a man, but as an ARTIST, he was the KING. He has repeatedly denied plastic surgery, although it's always been evident that his appearance has drastically changed over the years. I really believe that he had body dysmorphic disorders and dealt with these issues through surgery instead of getting help to heal himself on the inside. He was abused as a child, and he was made his large family's meal ticket from a very young age- events which I think led him to have a distorted view of himself permanently as a little child instead of a man. His massive world wide fame was so agressive that I feel it brutally altered who he really is, and because of this fame, he started to break down.

Aside from his personal issues, we must focus on his impact on global culture and music as we know it today. He is SO important in the history of music, and there will never be anyone, EVER that will do the things for music that he has done. His videos were the first to explore issues like poverty, erasing racial divides, embracing diversity, and developed a love for music in all of us. I'm still kind of in a numb state about the whole thing. I really can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's gone. GONE, but certainly not forgotten.

It will be really painful when August 28th comes and goes because I know that all day we will be considering that at that time, we SHOULD be watching Michael walk out on stage, screaming for him and I'm certain I would be crying at the intensity of the whole experience. The one thing that really means a lot to me is that he really MUST have had a meaningful impact on both Dan and my life because just purchasing the tickets moved us both to tears.

My heart breaks for his family, his 3 young children who are about to have their lives turned upside down, and I share in the grief of all of his fans around the world. May you finally have peace, Michael.

25 June 2009

Fred & Friends

New favorite store alert! Check out all the fun stuff at Fred & Friends!

One of my favorites has to be this plate with a mirror built into it. No more smiling with spinach stuck in your teeth! Also on my list, the kids plates, and the black bar shades. You'll know what I'm talking about when you check out the website! Turns out they sell some of this stuff at the Virgin Music store in Times Square...hmmm.... is it worth braving the tourists at Times Square for?

what's cooking in my closet

Last night I had an irresistible urge to bake something. This urge doesn’t come often anymore, since we moved to Manhattan and our kitchen (pictured above, in the header) is the size of most people’s bathroom closets. Still, I found this recipe from Emeril Legasse and it just looked SO good, I had to try it! I used to cook and bake for every meal, and I really enjoy it- but man, this kitchen is just NOT a functional kitchen. Anyway, I got to work getting the ingredients at the market down the street, brought everything back to the apt, and then had to move the microwave, the garbage can, and the toaster out into the living room so that I could cook! : )

These white chocolate macadamia nut blondies came out GREAT but the ingredients I needed at the market cost me $17 so they were kinda expensive to make. Maybe that’s just NYC prices, though: here’s what I bought that wasn’t in my pantry:

Small box of brown sugar
White chocolate chips
Unsalted organic butter
Macadamia nuts (this was the most expensive item: $8.49 for a small jar!)

The rest of the ingredients I had at home, but MAN! 4 items for $17? See, this is another reason why I DON’T bake very often! It’s cheaper to just walk to Magnolia bakery or whole foods for some fresh from the oven organic baked goods.

Anyway, if you live in a location where grocery prices are a bit cheaper than mine, feel free to print out this recipe and try it! They’re fantastic! You can check out the original recipe found at THIS WEBSITE

Macadamia White Chip Blondies

4 oz butter, unsalted (114 grams)
–3/4 cup light brown sugar (160 grams)
1 large egg1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract (8 ml)
1 1/2 cups unbleached all purpose flour (190 grams) – if no scale, fluff, spoon gently, sweep – too much flour will make these dry.
1/2 teaspoon baking powder (2 ml)
1/8 teaspoon salt (pinch)
3/4 cup white chocolate chips (a few more if you want)
1/2 cup lightly toasted or “Chef Ready” macadamia nuts**

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. (176 C). Line an 8 inch metal pan with foil and spray bottom only with cooking spray.

Cream the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl using high speed of an electric mixer. Beat in the egg and vanilla.

Stir together flour, baking powder and salt. Add the flour mixture to the batter in 3 parts, mixing after each part. Before the flour is fully mixed, add the chips and nuts and mix until flour is incorporated and chips are well mixed. Batter will be thick. Pour the batter to the pan and place in the preheated oven.

Bake for 25 or until blondies appear set. Let them cool completely, then lift from the pan and cut into 12 bars.

23 June 2009

documentary: Food Inc.

Looks like a fascinating film- can't wait to see it! The preview sure made me think twice about what I buy. Guess I need to head down to the Union Square Farmer's market on Sundays a bit more often!

how well do you know?

Even if you've been dating or married for years, some of your partner's answers might amaze you! Here's some good questions to ask to help find out more about the person you're stuck with! :) Ask them at dinner tonight!

1. If someone gave you $1,000,000 tomorrow what would you do?

2. What makes you sad?

3. What is your favorite song?

4. What reminds you of our first date?

5. What color looks best on me?

6. If you had to plan a FREE date night, where would we go, and what would we do?

7. What is your favorite meal that I make?

8. If you had to pack in ten minutes to leave for ten years, what would you take?

lunchtime in Times Lawn

See how the tourists enjoy their broken down plastic lawnchairs? They think it's just GREAT! I'm still just in shock that THIS is what Times Square looks like now. I can't get used to it! It's wierd, isn't it?

21 June 2009

Looking into the Past

this is my crazy new addiction that I found on Flickr. It's a photo group called "looking into the past" and it's oh so awesome. Pretty self-explanatory, right? You take a picture from the past and line it up with the current background. Neat-o.

Check out the slideshow HERE

Do it! Really! No, seriously, click up there and check out the full gallery!

Looking Into the Past: Carvel Hall, Annapolis, MD by jasonepowell.

Tiaras and tears

I'm watching "little beauties" on vh1: it's a show about little girls in beauty pageants. I'm kinda disturbed by the swimsuit competition. They said that it only was added to the girls competition in the last year or so.

I just don't know how I feel about little 3 and 4 year old girls on stage in bikinis and swimsuits, flaunting and shaking their booties. There's a sad loss of innocence about that (and could be a lot of pervs in the audience.)

Kinda sad. What do you think? Should they allow swimsuit competitions in little miss beauty pageants with kids under 6?

-- Posted From My iPhone

20 June 2009

Happy Father's Day, Dads!

Head over to www.cakewrecks.com to check out some fantastic Father's Day Cake disasters. This one is my favourite because...well, what the crap IS this?! Any ideas? Anyone? I think it kinda looks like a car...but what is that white cube on the bottom? And why the white dot on the bottom cupcake?

Can anyone attempt to figure out what this is supposed to be? Tell me! Please!

UPDATE: wait! I think I just figured it out...maybe? It's a big red barbeque, and the white thing is the propane tank? whoa, still doesn't explain the white dot or the knife and fork. This truly IS a cake wreck! Do you think I'm right? Do you see a barbeque in this?

Little Kid sings song she doesn't understand

Yes, it's cute. Very cute, actually. I can't wait to teach my kids Whitney Houston songs someday...and them film them. :)

19 June 2009

new iPhone today!

The new iPhone comes out today and yes, I'm getting one, but NO not right now. Later. I'm not THAT obsessed to stand in line for it. Plus, I'm going to Canada and Dominican Republic in July, so for most of the month, I'll be in international calling territory and I'm NOT paying all those charges and roaming fees. So yeah, I'll wait a bit.

Excited, though!

Concert Wednesday night

We had so much fun at the Earth Wind and Fire & Chicago concert at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday night. Of course, when THIS song came on, I freaked! This is one of my alltime favorite songs...ever! Come on, admit it- when you hear this song, doesn't it just make you HAPPY?

16 June 2009

I'm on the tattoo artist's side on this one...

This girl claims that she only asked for 3 tattoos on her face, and the tattoo artist did 56 tattoos while she fell asleep!!!

Check out the full article:

But seriously, who FALLS ASLEEP during a tattoo? The artist says that she only came up with this story when she went home and her dad freaked out at her.

Whose side are YOU on?

15 June 2009

Tales from American Idol

Here's the story of a little Canadian girl who went to American Idol Auditions. Play by Play:

-4:00am Sunday: woke up. And woke up at 3:50 and 3:30 and 3:15 and 3:00 and 2:59... you know how that goes. If you know that you NEED to wake up early and can't oversleep or else you'll miss something, then your brain can't rest and you keep waking up every couple of minutes checking the clock! Arghhhh! We picked up the rental car here in NYC (since we are now official non-driving, car-free New Yorkers!) and hit the road around 5pm on Saturday. For some reason, the cheapest rental car available in our neighborhood was a convertible! Too bad that it was starting to rain- the top stayed up the whole time. Aw! We got to the patriots stadium in Foxboro, MA (yeah, the auditions aren't ACTUALLY in BOSTON- it's like 70 miles OUTSIDE of Boston! Basically in Rhode Island! What a hoax!)and went straight to check in/registration. There was NO ONE there- perfect! No lines, nothing. I showed them my ID, they put a red bracelet on me and a white one on Dan and gave us 2 tickets to enter the stadium. We had to be there at 5am to line up.

-5:30 am got in line. The line was Lonnnnnggg. There's really no reson for a line outside, other than they keep driving back and forth on a 4x4 taking video footage for the show. They want to show a big line of people waiting to get on American Idol. It's pretty aggravating. And then, the skies opened up and it DOWNPOURED rain.
Now, when the rain started, I figured, "Ok, they can't take any more footage, so they are going to be logical and just open the stadium doors and let us go in out of the rain." NO. they decided that it would be GOOD TV to film people soaking in the rain, so there we stood. From 5:30 am (and most people had been there since 4 or earlier!) until 9:30 am, we stood in the RAIN. Horrible, awful experience. I was trembling with cold.
We couldn't leave the line or else we weren't allowed back in the line. Some people didn't have umbrellas or jackets even, so we all tried to share as best we could. It was hell. The rain was pouring so hard that it was splashing on the concrete and then back up to soak us twice. The wind was blowing umbrellas inside out, and the rain was soaking us horizontally as well. At this point, I REALLY REALLY REALLY considered leaving. It was too much. I wanted to cry, and a lot of people DID leave.
I made a comment to some people in line that this was a combination of "survivor" and "American Idol" because the whole "outwit, outplay, outlast" thing was REALLY being put to the test! Who will SURVIVE to make it inside the stadium?

We remained strong because Dan kept reassuring me, saying "this will all be worth it when you're on stage at the Kodak theatre..." We finally got the line moving, and we were thrilled that we were about to finally be inside.

"INSIDE" turned out to be an open air stadium with NO ROOF. It was still pouring, and the brainless "security guards" at the venue refused to let anyone sit inside on the stairs or in the concourse where it was covered from the rain. I was beyond furious. Really. This was incredible. Dan and I had to sneak around like teenagers until we found an "unguarded spot" near a stairwell that we could sit on the cement out of the rain. I had on just rubber flip flops- my toes were all completely numb with the cold. I couldn't feel any of them. Bad sign, right?
The only thing not wet was our hair and face, because that was under the umbrella. Our clothing, or shoes, everything was soaked. I had on a knee-length dress with bare legs and flip flops and my legs were shaking so hard that I could barely stand up. The temperature was just 56F (which is 13C.) I opened my bag and my 2 books that I brought were SOAKED completely through. My wallet, all my cash, and my new suede shoes that I spent $250 on JUST for this outfit were soaked and ruined. Never worn. (insert sad face here.)

9:30am-11am: we sat on the concrete, shivering under the stairwell to stay dry. No towels, no blankets were allowed in the stadium. The gift shop wasn't even open so I could by a Patriots sweatshirt or something!

11am: They make an announcement that EVERYONE has to take their seats. Ryan Seacrest arrives. They tell everyone that they have to be quiet while he delivers a line and then everyone has to scream. (Umm, this is a SINGING competition, and I'm soaked and freezing from the rain. I was lip-synching screaming, thank you very much!) For about 2 minutes, the crowd is SHUSSHING everyone (annoying!) The producer says, "Ok, don't shush, please." Finally after another 2 minutes, we get something that resembles silence. Ryan says, "This is American Idol!" and everyone starts screaming. Then, without saying anything else, Ryan leaves.

11-12pm- the producers have the audience chant things like "American Idol" and "Boston, Wicked Awesome" and "No, I'M the next American Idol." But we have to do it 20 times each because no one can chant in rhythm. Then, we're supposed to sing "when I grow up" by the Pussycat dolls. This takes another hour because no one can clap in rhythm and get the words right. The producer ends up saying, "ok, everyone just STOP the clapping." By the end, the producer was satisfied with us just doing the "You just might get it, You just might get it" part. Seriously. It was disgraceful, to say the least. Oh, and they changed the line from "I wanna be a star I wanna have BOOBIES" to "I wanna have GROUPIES!"
I said "GROOBIES" just to be difficult. lol
12pm- the producer explains how the auditions will work: you're seated in your section according to the tickets you received when you walked in. They call you down to the field by section. The entire section lines up on the far right, and there are 13 tents set up with a producer in each tent. You go in groups of 4 to the tent (and then other groups of 4 line up behind you, ready to go.) The producer points at the person at the start of the line, they sing, and you get about 10 seconds each as it goes down the line of 4. They start with section 125. We are seated in the back of the LAST section, #135. It's going to be a longggg day.

Plus, they didn't even use ALL 13 tents! At least 3 tents were empty the whole day. Think of how much faster the auditions would have moved if they would have had those tents filled up?

During this waiting time, Dan and I ate junk food (it was abundant at all these fried food places in the stadium) played on our iPods, napped, and tried to keep warm. At one point, I was walking back to my seat from the bathroom, and a woman approached me. She worked at one of the concession stands and she saw me and wanted to ask if I'd come back and sing for her and the other ladies that worked there. I was kinda embarrassed, but I agreed.
I sang my audition song, "Beautiful," in front of about 10 workers there, and they all freaked out. They asked for an autograph to keep in the restaurant, and they all asked if they could take pictures with me on their cell phones! They were convinced that I WAS the next American Idol! They were like, "I'll vote for you! I'l have my whole family vote! I promise I will!" Go figure!

7:30pm Fast forward. The entire stadium is empty except for the people in my section. The concession stands are closed down, and all my "fans" are long gone. We get called down to line up. They decide which tent you're going to with the "finger-point" method. Basically, they say: "you, #10, You, #7..." So I went to the tent I was directed to. There were 2 groups of 4 ahead of my group. Not one of them got a golden ticket. And this one girl was REALLY good.

Our turn: the first guy in my group sings an Usher song, and does really well. The next girl sings "I'm like a bird" by Nelly Fertado. I sing "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. (Here's a rundown of my outfit: metallic leather Diesel jacket, grey diesel dress, teal and grey killer platform shoes. I was styled to the T!) The next guy sings another Usher song. While I'm standing there, another producer walks up behind the tent, bends down to the first producer and looks at me. He says, "The girl in the jacket" and then they whisper something I couldn't hear and look up at me again. Then, the guy says, "Lady in the jacket, can you please sing another song for us?"

I say, "sure- this is a song called Lost, by Anouk" The producer, with a British accent recognized the song and said, "oh, that's a great song. Go ahead, then." I sang it, and I freakin' NAILED it. Everyone else in my group stared at me as I sang, I could feel their eyes burning into me!

The second producer guy left, and the first guy goes, "listen, this is very difficult because you're ALL fantastic singers, but this season we are really looking for someone who really STANDS OUT." At this point, I had a huge smile on my face because I knew he was talking about ME! That I went the extra mile and styled out my outfit, my makeup, and my hair! I'M the one who stands out! YESS!!!
Then, the judge looks down and says, "So, it's a NO for all of you."

(WHAT?! I thought I didn't hear him at first! The security guy comes over and cuts off our bracelets with scissors and directs us where to walk.)

All the while, I'm still reeling: what?! Why did they ask me to sing twice? Why did the second producer come over and ask about me? Why did they say they wanted someone who "stands out?!"

The other people in my group had the same reaction: they came up to me and said, "whoa, that was ridiculous- I thought you really had it! I thought for sure he was talking about you!" And I just played it off and tried to be humble and said, "yes, but you were all great!" In my head, I was like, "YES! I KNOW!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA WIN TOO!!!"

So, there you have it. I don't have anything more to say- it's frustrating, it's not fair that the fat dudes can get through by dressing in fairy wings...it's just, well it's the reality of "reality tv."

I really don't know WHY I didn't make it. And the more I think about it, the more questions I have: "What if I'd been sent to a different tent?" "What if I'd gone earlier in the day? Did they already give out too many golden tickets by the time I'd gotten up to sing?" "What did they mean by STAND OUT?" "What if I could have told them at least my NAME or where I'm from, or that I'm a straight-laced ACCOUNTANT by day?"

Who knows?
At least I can be assured that I did everything right. I gave it my very best, I didn't screw up the words, or mess up. I got to sing BOTH of my songs, so I know that I don't have to wonder if I picked the "right" song to sing. Dan thinks that me singing at the last had something to do with it- maybe they had met their "quota" for this city. He also thinks that they were picking younger kids (a lot of 16 and 17 year olds that had to be accompanied by their parent) because American Idol wants to target viewers in the "tween" market, and ride the recent industry wave of popularity that Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers have.
I just don't know what happened, and I'm just tired of thinking about it so I just have to accept it. I just desperately wish I could have made it in front of Simon, Paula, and Randy. They would have loved me!
We drove home right after that. Got back to NYC at 11pm, which was past the 5pm cutoff to return the rental car so we had to pay for an extra day, AND we had to drive around town for an hour looking for a parking space.
Total damages for a wasted trip: $130 hotel, $250 rental car, $120 meals, $375 outfit, $60 gas/tolls, $20 parking at the stadium.
Whoa, that's $955. Man, now I'm even MORE depressed!

14 June 2009

Raining idol

It's 5:58am and we are standing in the rain in line outside the stadium. Thousands and thousands of people here. Probably be in line for a lonnnnnnng time ...

-- Posted From My iPhone

13 June 2009

On our way!

Picked up the rental car and hit the road at 5:30. Google maps says 3.5hrs. We'll see! Got a cute white convertible but... It's raining. D'oh!!

-- Posted From My iPhone

12 June 2009

oh yes oh yes :)

blog list

welcome the FELDMAN FAMILY to my blog list!

CJ 104.1 FM Woodstock

Carmin the Canadian was on the air again this morning with Jennifer and Richard to announce the big news: I'm going to Boston to audition for American Idol! Tomorrow!

I'm excited (but dreading all the waiting time!) I'd better bring a couple good books. Oh, and I'll keep myself entertained by blogging on Little Lady/Big Apple!

More info to come- start crossing fingers and toes now!

11 June 2009

The REAL deal

Just 2 more days until we hit the road for BOSTON or bust! American Idol auditions are looming, and I think I’ve decided to sing “Beautiful” for the first 2 rounds of auditions and then switch to “Lost’ for the Simon/Paula/Randy (aka REAL judges) round. The reasoning is simple: the preliminary rounds are basically casting calls or screenings to find people who would be good on tv. This is why my styling is so important. I plan to ham it up for the cameras as much as possible, to show people that I’m a fame whore who really really really wants to be the next American Idol (this is what producers want!) Since the people doing the “judging” in the preliminary rounds have (let’s assume) minimal musical backgrounds, voice coaching, and all around knowledge of degrees of difficulty in performing, they need to have a STANDARD to which to compare to. This is why I’m choosing “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera. The song’s been on the radio a billion times, and Christina is the STANDARD to which they will judge if I have the chops to sing it or not. If I choose an obscure song, they won’t have any idea what it’s “supposed” to sound like, and therefore might be less likely to put me through. I’m also not blind to the reality that at these preliminary rounds, they are really focusing on appearance (be it good OR bad) so that’s why I’m not just going “as myself” as some people have recommended. I am a performer. I am an entertainer. And when I entertain/perform, I certainly don’t wear jeans and a t-shirt. I rock it out, peeps! : )

I’ve also decided to keep the “Canadian” part on the DL. It’s been apparent to me that Americans have a fierce ego that really isn’t conducive to a foreigner taking over “their” show. If I blast the “I’m a Canadian” all over my chest, then I’m probably going to hear a lot of “go back to your OWN country” feedback. Yes, I am proudly Canadian, but I’m a permanent resident of the U.S. (soon to be a dual citizen of both countries) and I’ve lived here for almost 10 years. So YES, I still deserve to be the next American Idol. (oh, and yes, I checked: being American is not required in AMERICAN idol…lol

If you still don’t really know what goes on at the REAL auditions, check out this great blog: I really recommend everyone read it- it's a great run-down of what really goes on!

It’s a tv, show, people- don’t believe everything you see!

Oh, and check my blog frequently this weekend- I have an iPhone so I’ll be blogging live as it happens, and I’ll give you a play by play to keep you filled in!

Postive vibes, good thoughts, well wishes, and prayers! Let’s DO THIS!

10 June 2009

Smooth Away

Have you seen the informercials for this "smooth away" product? I knew it was too good to be true! Click HERE to read what happened when a journalist decided to test the product.

Buyer beware! :)

08 June 2009

Here's some songs (in no particular order) that are on my short list for the American Idol Auditions next week. Nothing fancy schmancy- just using my webcam. Keep in mind that when I perform in Boston, I won't be wearing my pyjamas with no makeup like I am in these videos (lol!)

Also, you only get about 15 seconds in the first initial rounds of judging, so the length of these videos is about all I'll get! Once I decide on the song, I'll work more on the vocals and fine tune it to make it the best performance possible. I just need to PICK one first! Arrghhhh!!! What do I do?!

Judge them on the songs, the compatibility with my voice, the lyrics, the style, etc. Let me know which is your top fave and why. THANKS!
P.S. - nice place to pause the video at the beginning, right? Thanks alot, Blogger! lol

Short list

I'm working on uploading some videos but it's taking FOREVER so check back again tomorrow. In the mean time, here's my short list of audition songs:

Lost (Anouk)- my niece, Navy picked out this one!
Let it Be (The Beatles)
Let's stay Together (Al Green)
Beautiful (Christina Aguilera)
No One (Alicia Keys)

Thoughts? Favourites? Any other suggestions?

05 June 2009

Bring it, Simon!

Hey, so I'm going to American Idol. Yup. I am. It's time, people. 

The first city that is open for auditions is Boston and it's NEXT WEEKEND, so that's not much time to prepare. But, I actually WATCHED the show for the first time this past year to study it and figure out how I can get through the auditions, and I think I've got some good ideas.

Here's my thing: you have to have something to get you noticed, so tell me which you think is better:

1) I play up the Susan Boyle phenomenon, and I go dressed in kind of a frumpy suit, hair pulled in a bun, glasses, etc. Then, I play up the whole, "I'm an accountant" thing (because that's really what I do!) and build this story about how I always wanted to be a singer, but I work in an office as an accountant, and blah blah. Then, just when they're ready to count me out, I bust out with a completely unexpected soulful power ballad, like Whitney Houston or Aretha Franklin or something. Then, as the show progresses, I undergo this "makeover" thing and I become the audience favorite because of the underdog principal.

2) I go dressed uber high fashion and super cool and draw attention from the producers with really out there hair and makeup. This will get me through to the Simon/Paula/Randy round, and once I get to them, I'm home free. (Hey, I know I've got the chops- it's just getting THROUGH to that round that's the hard part!)  

Here's the look I'm thinking (this is me at the big Diesel party last year)

AND, to help me choose a song, I'm gonna record some vids of a couple different choices, and then post them here on this blog and have you guys VOTE to decide my audition song! 

So, first- which look do you think I should go with? What's gonna get me through the first 2 rounds and into the Simon/Paula/Randy audition? Thoughts? Ideas? HELLLLP!

LOL photo of the day- IT'S FRIDAY, PEOPLE!

Whoa- coolest wedding invitation ever!

04 June 2009

Multiple Ble$$ing$

ABC news has an interesting article about families with multiples. Check it out HERE.

I thought this exerpt was fascinating:

"In 1988, there were 229 quads and 40 quints born in the United States but, in 2006, those numbers had jumped to 355 and 67, respectively. "

WHOA! In a few years, maybe it will be UNcommon to have just 1 baby...

03 June 2009

YAY! Big Gay Ice Cream Truck!

New Yorker Doug Quint is launching the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck next week, and I can't wait to get myself a big gay cone! I love Doug's qoute from this interview with Serious Eats New York:

"Let's face it, ice cream trucks are kind of queer, and a middle-aged white man driving one is pretty suspect," Quint said. "That's not to say that I'm a rolling hotbed of perversion. Hardly the case. It's all in the name of silly."

He even sells apparel on the website. The tank I pictured above is called a "Husband-beater!" LOL!!

Dyson: man this vacuum SUCKS!

No, literally! It sucks! And "it never loses suction" (spoken with an English accent)

I've wanted a Dyson forever! My friend cory has the purple one- cute! This one is teal but looks blue on this iPhone picture!

Don't tell my husband how much they cost! Shhhhhh... :) LOL

-- Posted From My iPhone

These sound like the greatest cupcakes EVER!

I just found this recipe on http://www.noteatingoutinny.com/ , A blog dedicated to not eating out and preparing your own food. Fascinating blog to read, if you've got some free time.

Anyway, I printed this recipe because I can't wait to try it!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough-Topped Cupcakes(makes 6 cupcakes)

for the basic vanilla cupcakes:

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 large egg

3/4 all-purpose flour

a little less than 1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/3 cup milk

pinch of salt

for the cookie dough:

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened

1/4 cup packed brown sugar

1 tablespoon sugar

1/3 of a beaten egg (save the rest for next morning)

1/4 teaspoon vanilla

pinch of salt

1/2 cup or so semi-sweet chocolate chips or chunks

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a mixing bowl, beat together the butter, sugar and vanilla for the cupcakes only. Add egg and beat until fully blended and creamy. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl. Gradually add flour mixture to butter mixture, alternately adding the milk gradually. Divide equally among six cupcake liners in a muffin tray. Bake about 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Let cool completely.

Meanwhile, make the cookie dough: Beat together the butter, sugars and vanilla. Add the egg and beat until creamy. Gradually add the flour and salt, and once fully blended and smooth, add the chocolate chips. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes. Divide dough into 6 equally-sized balls and press with your palms into discs resembling chocolate chip cookies. Press on top of the cooled cupcakes.


If you’re like me, when you hear the word “wallpaper”, you immediately think of the partridge family house with the nasty 60’s mustard and brown colored retro patterns. Or maybe you think of the dusty rose floral borders that people used to use in their living rooms that had the matching floral curtains (gasp!). BUT…I read a GREAT article that has some really creative and cool ideas to use with leftover wallpaper. Hey, it’s a recession, and you’ve gotta re-use and recycle, right? I like the patchwork wall the best- it’s “GORGE!”, as I like to say!

Check out the full article HERE

02 June 2009

NY Times is covering the Times Square "re-modeling"

Check out this article about the restructuring (aka Times Square Lawn) that I posted pictures of. Sounds a lot better than it looks!


Aveda Hair Care

I’m sure my friends have noticed that in the past few years, I’ve pretty much abandoned my hair straightener, and as my hair’s gotten longer, I’ve just let it dry to it’s natural wave and curl. A lot of people have asked me what I use in my hair, and I thought I’d blog about it to share my new secret hair arsenal of products.

I’m a HUGE product junkie- makeup, lotion, sunscreen, hair care products, EVERYTHING. The people at MAC, Saks’, and Sephora basically know me by name! My husband is constantly begging me to stop collecting so many products, but I have to buy it because I want to “try it” and then when it ends up not working like I want it to, it goes to the product graveyard in my makeup closet.

I have a friend who SWEARS by OUIDAD products for wavy or curly hair. At http://www.ouidad.com/, it’s very convincing! I ordered the travel set so that I could try it for myself…but that ended up in the graveyard too. Hey, for some people, maybe it does work, but personally, I HATE “crunchy” curls that are hard and, well…CRUNCHY! Plus, smell is a big factor for me, and quite frankly, Ouidad smells terrible!

I recommend AVEDA products. I’m very impressed with their line for curly hair. First, I start with the Be Curly Shampoo , just massaging into the scalp so that I don’t tangle all my curls and make knots. Also, with curly/wavy hair, the less you rub it the better because the friction will cause the shaft to lift up and create major FRIZZ (the F-word, in my book!) Frizz is bad. Very bad. Also, Shampoo’s job is to remove dirt and buildup, and clean the scalp. I try not to run it through the ends of my hair, because it will dry out the ends and take out the curl.

Next, I rinse (very very well) and gently wring out my hair until it doesn’t drip anymore. I tousle it a bit and then apply the Be Curly conditioner. With my fingers, I run it through the hair all over by moving my hand like I’m playing the keys on a piano. This is the best way I can describe it! I want to keep the hair in 2-3 cm pieces so that it gets springy curls. If you pull apart every strand (or WORSE, comb through the conditioner with a wide tooth comb!) the curls don’t have any bounce.

Next, I rinse with my head upside down and gently squeeze the hair (DON’T RUB!) to get the conditioner out. With a towel, I blot the hair and squeeze it a bit to dry. After this, I leave it alone. No touching, no picking, no drying, nothing. It takes hours to completely dry, but it’s best for my hair to just stay long and down while it’s drying. When it’s almost dry, I take the Be Curly Curl Enhancer product (just a quarter size drop) and work it through using the “piano fingers” again.

When the hair is completely dry, I smooth a tiny bit of the Be Curly Curl Control over the top of the hair to calm down any extra frizz, and give it some shine. There you have it!

Another great Aveda product that me and my husband both love is the Rosemary Mint Body Wash. The smell is unbelievable and it has a cool minty refreshing feeling. I buy the body wash AND the soap bar because my husband uses the body wash and I use the Rosemary Mint Bar
so we don’t fight over who uses it all up!

One other thing I’ve noticed helps cut out the frizz is that I’ve started sleeping with a satin pillowcase on my pillow. It helps keep my hair from getting tangled, AND it’s supposed to save your skin from sleep wrinkles if you sleep on your stomach, like I do.

There you have it! A little daily dose of beauty from yours truly!

Oh, and there's BROWN ones too! ooooooh!

( ...And I thought the other ones were bad! )

So, not only does Times Square now have lawn chairs, but they are not even consistantly the SAME colour! A few blocks up this morning, I saw that there is a new installation of BROWN chairs. Greaaaaaaat.

You know what would be perfect with these lawn chairs? A bunch of pink flamingo lawn ornaments. Or the wooden garden decorations of an old lady's behind as she's bending over to weed her plants.

Keep it Classy, NYC.

01 June 2009

The 5 Rules for Happiness

1) free your heart from hatred
2) free your mind from worries
3) live simply
4) give more
5) expect less
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