20 August 2010

Glad that ink is PERMANENT

Ok, folks- just in time for FRIDAY (whohoooooo!), here is my blog 'o the week pick: Hanzi Smatter.

It's a blog dedicated to the misuse of chinese/japanese characters in tattoos. People submit their tattoos, and the blog author deciphers them and says what they REALLY mean! Love this!

Interesting fact- I have a japanese tattoo. Yes, a tattoo. The only tattoo on my body, and it's tiny... about 2 cm tall and 4 cm wide. I believe it's my husband's name, spelled out, but maybe I should send it in to this blog and find out for sure! Also an interesting fact- my best friend, Kristi has the SAME tattoo (much larger) because her husband has the SAME name!

Here's a quick sample:


This tattoo, literally means "crazy diarrhea," and it's ironically located just the waistline on the customer's lower back. teeheehee!!

Update: I researched my tattoo and it DOES say "Daniel"or "Danieru," as it is pronounced in Japanese. Here is what it's supposed to look like: "Daniel" in Japanese characters

and here's my tattoo:

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