30 May 2008

Here I am!

Ok, it’s been seriously TOO long since my last post- I know, and I’m ready to change. That’s the first step in Blogger’s anonymous, right?

What’s NEW, Carmine?! Oh, well glad that you asked!! My last blog was before my concert at Fairview on 5/17, which went over GREAT! I’ve spent the last 3 nights crashing my computer trying to load and edit the video. Promise I’ll have clips up soon- it’s just one HUGE long 2 hr + video, and I want to break it into small clips for each individual song.
My mom and dad came down from Canada for my performance, and it was the first time mom had seen our home in NYC. We had crap-tacular weather while they were here: gusting wind, torrential rain and lightening storms. That’s not so fun when you live in NYC and have to walk everywhere. Instead of touring around, we showed off one of Dan and my favorite features of the big apple: DELIVERY SERVICE! We did venture out in the downpour so that mom could go shop at the WORLD’S largest department store: Macy’s. We don’t have Macy’s in Canada, so this was a whole new experience for my folks. They loved the original wooden escalators- Dad kept saying that all the friction would make them catch fire if they weren’t properly maintained and greased up. Oh well, we took our chances and rode on them anyway!

Dan’s family came to the concert as well- we all stayed at the same hotel Saturday night after the show, and went to church and dinner the next day together. Dan’s mom, dad, sister, brother in law, and 5 nieces and nephews came. Table for 18, no reservations? No problem at Longhorn! Gee, sometimes I really miss the suburbs!

And LAST week, my sister and her best friend Jen came from Canada for the weekend. My sis lives in Montreal, and Jen lives in Moncton. They came Thursday through Monday, and it was the BEST weather we’ve had all year! They were the greatest houseguests too- they didn’t even ask us to take them to see the statue of liberty and all that tourist stuff! They wanted to do the REAL New York, so we took them to all our favorite little dives and unknown spots. We picnicked in Central Park, went to Magnolia Bakery and Alice’s Tea Pot EVERY morning (PS- I just SMELLED the cupcakes… didn’t eat ANY! How’s THAT for willpower!!) and shopped SHOPPED shopped like crazy! I’ll post more about their trip later, and put some pictures up too.

I’m at the end of week 4 on my fitness challenge, and so far, I’ve lost 9 lbs… add that to my 19.5 lbs at weigh in, and I’m sitting pretty close to 30lbs already :) Ok, well, not really but hey it’s all about the numbers! Hopefully when I weigh in on Monday, I’ll be down another 3 to keep with my 3lb/week goal. My trainer is going mental on me, and I know it will only get worse as we get closer to the deadline. Ouch! Hey, it’s working, that’s all that I care about! I’m actually having DREAMS about food, though- that’s how insane this whole thing is. I dreamed the other night that I was eating a HUGE plate of cheese fries and chocolate cake. Thank goodness we don’t keep that junk in the house because Lord knows I’d be sleepwalking to the fridge every night!

Ok, I’ll sign off for now, and try to jump on this weekend and give you more (gimme gimme… gimme gimme MORE!...) Sorry, I had a Britney moment.

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