24 May 2007

I'm DYEing to know...

So, officials in Alaska have decided to start dyeing bears blue, yellow, orange and green to indicate "problem bears." They will tranquilize the bears, bleach their neck and butt (so that you can see the colors coming and going...) and then apply drugstore dye and release them back into the wild. If you don't believe me, check out the link above to the article on Fox News. Wildlife officials believe that if someone is attacked, they will be able to identify the bear (in a lineup?) by the colors, and then rangers can euthanize the bear so that it won't hurt anyone else.

I could go on forever at how cruel and absolutely ridiculous this seems, but it doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure out that turning the grizzlies into GUMMY bears isn't the solution, here. First, the bears are just doing what bears do, and protecting their young while their homes and normalcy is being invaded. Some people are concerned that the bears might not behave normally and be accepted among other bears after they've been colored like a box of crayolas. Hey, why not dye a big TARGET on their backs, for crying out loud!

What if we transferred this idea to human society, and started labeling "problem humans?" Would a child molester be dyed green, or a murderer be colored purple? And hey, aren't the bears going to have to worry about scheduling a "root touch up" every 6 weeks after their little beauty treatment? Doesn't drugstore dye wash out in, say, the RAIN? Hey, instead of spending your last waking moments while being mauled by a grizzly, trying to check out it's dye job, how about you play dead and cover your head to save your life? Or maybe the brain that you're trying to protect is really not that smart anyway...

P.S. See my photo above? Word of advice: DON'T Google "Gay Bear"... well at least not at work! Enough said!

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