03 May 2010

Times Square Scare

Hi everyone- crazy about the bomb that was discovered in Times Square this weekend! Have you heard? Well, here’s our side of the story: as some of you know, we live very close to Times Square. Our building is just 3 avenues west of where the bomb was discovered. Only the tourists in the streets of Times Square were evacuated, not the people in the residential buildings, so we were fine. At the time the whole thing happened, we were actually shopping at Diesel on 59th and Lex. Normally, we take the subway through Times Square to get back home, but it was hot and we took a cab instead. The cab drove us across the park and down the west side (again, unusual, since we would usually come down the east side and then across 42nd street, through Times Square, but hey, in retrospect, it all worked out for the best. It would have been madness to be in the subways or traffic as they were evacuating, so thankfully we avoided it all.

I’m very grateful to the street vendor who was alert and responded quickly when something seemed to be “off” about that car. Being alert and being observant is VERY important when you live in NYC. I’ve had several times when I’ve had gut feelings about people following me or making me feel uncomfortable, and I’ve always gone to the police about it. Better safe than sorry! Security is very tight in Times Square today- I walked through as usual on my way to work and there are cops everywhere, keeping close eyes on things. The subways are being closely watched too (anyone who has visited New York knows how lack the security in the subways usually is.)

So life goes on in the Big Apple- this is Carmin the Canadian, over and out!

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