09 October 2007

I'll take it!

Alot of people reminisce about the days before the internet... how in the world did we survive? Remember having to go to the library and read books to research a homework assignment? Remember the days of encyclopedia salesmen? Remember when you had to look up a business or phone number in the phone book? Well, as much as I struggle to remember how I lived without the internet, I've decided there's another thing that we can't imagine living without... the DOLLAR STORE!

What is it about walking into a store where you can literally buy ANYTHING you see that gives you a sense of power? It's amazing the stuff you can find now... it's a mini dollar walmart! Dan and I found a dollar store here in NYC on 34th street that is three floors with escalators! It's a dollar department store!

This weekend, we went bowling in Canada, and I was wearing flip flops. Fully aware that there was NO way I would stick my bare feet into those nasty bowling shoes, I needed socks. Where did I turn? That's right... "A buck or Two." Interesting fact: in Canada, the dollar coin is called a "loonie" because it features a loon on the face of it. Therefore, many dollar stores are named " The LOONIE Bin!"

Upon arriving at the dollar store, I set out with one goal- buy socks. What did I end up with? Here's a list:
A lint roller
Christmas gift tags
A candle
A ghost halloween candle holder
A Scarecrow candle holder
40 Christmas Crackers (a Canadian/British thing- anyone know what crackers are? NOT the edible kind!)
Pink, orange and black clip on hair extensions (to look COOL while I'm bowling... Dan's idea)
2 toblerone bars
And finally, a pair of purple and orange Halloween socks with pumpkins on them!

What did we do before dollar stores existed? Crazy!

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