11 June 2009

The REAL deal

Just 2 more days until we hit the road for BOSTON or bust! American Idol auditions are looming, and I think I’ve decided to sing “Beautiful” for the first 2 rounds of auditions and then switch to “Lost’ for the Simon/Paula/Randy (aka REAL judges) round. The reasoning is simple: the preliminary rounds are basically casting calls or screenings to find people who would be good on tv. This is why my styling is so important. I plan to ham it up for the cameras as much as possible, to show people that I’m a fame whore who really really really wants to be the next American Idol (this is what producers want!) Since the people doing the “judging” in the preliminary rounds have (let’s assume) minimal musical backgrounds, voice coaching, and all around knowledge of degrees of difficulty in performing, they need to have a STANDARD to which to compare to. This is why I’m choosing “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera. The song’s been on the radio a billion times, and Christina is the STANDARD to which they will judge if I have the chops to sing it or not. If I choose an obscure song, they won’t have any idea what it’s “supposed” to sound like, and therefore might be less likely to put me through. I’m also not blind to the reality that at these preliminary rounds, they are really focusing on appearance (be it good OR bad) so that’s why I’m not just going “as myself” as some people have recommended. I am a performer. I am an entertainer. And when I entertain/perform, I certainly don’t wear jeans and a t-shirt. I rock it out, peeps! : )

I’ve also decided to keep the “Canadian” part on the DL. It’s been apparent to me that Americans have a fierce ego that really isn’t conducive to a foreigner taking over “their” show. If I blast the “I’m a Canadian” all over my chest, then I’m probably going to hear a lot of “go back to your OWN country” feedback. Yes, I am proudly Canadian, but I’m a permanent resident of the U.S. (soon to be a dual citizen of both countries) and I’ve lived here for almost 10 years. So YES, I still deserve to be the next American Idol. (oh, and yes, I checked: being American is not required in AMERICAN idol…lol

If you still don’t really know what goes on at the REAL auditions, check out this great blog: I really recommend everyone read it- it's a great run-down of what really goes on!

It’s a tv, show, people- don’t believe everything you see!

Oh, and check my blog frequently this weekend- I have an iPhone so I’ll be blogging live as it happens, and I’ll give you a play by play to keep you filled in!

Postive vibes, good thoughts, well wishes, and prayers! Let’s DO THIS!

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