08 July 2009

Dan's Tattoo

Dan got a Michael Jackson tribute tattoo last week. Initially, he told me he just wanted to get an image of MJ's shoes with the white socks, doing the trademark "up on the toes" thing. He wanted it just on the inside of his wrist, about 2 inches big. Instead, we got to the shop and talked with our friend Dre, who's a tattoo artist and did Dan's chest piece last year, and he ended up getting THIS!

Dre went to work and there was no turning back! This is the signature silhouette of Michael in the Billie Jean performances- Dre and Dan decided that it would be cool to just trace the outline and not colour it in, otherwise it might just look like a big blob! The only thing that's filled in is the GLOVE, which Dre did a cool effect with white ink and grey to give it that effect of sparkling sequins.

Here it is when it was finished! It's still healing up now, but Dan's really happy with the way it turned out, and Dre said it was the very first Michael Jackson tattoo he's had a request for. I bet there will be more people coming in to get MJ tattoos in the next few weeks, though.

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