30 October 2009


(to the tune of Rihanna's "Disturbia"...)

"Suburbia, everything closes at 6 tonight
Suburbia, my mini-van is ridin' tight
Suburbia, Olive Garden is what I like
Suburbia, Suburbia..."

Dum dum dee da dum dum dee dum dum...

Dan and I are headed to the country this weekend- rented an SUV and driving to Lancaster, PA to visit his folks and family. Saturday, we're driving back and stopping in Philly to stay over with some friends, then back to Manhattan on Sunday!

We have a puppy-sitter for the boys, who will be sitting this trip out, since we're staying over in Philadelphia. I'm sure this trip will involve a visit to the Suburban Meccas of Costco and Target, to stock up on items that are ridiculously expensive to buy in Manhattan!

After living in the city for all this time, and walking/train-ing/cabbing everywhere, the thought of being on the highways is pretty scary! Driving is DANGEROUS!!

:) Early Happy Halloween wishes to all my guy and "ghoul"-friends out there!!

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