15 October 2009

Watson Adventures

Whoo, what a week! Last week, Dan was away for a Diesel conference from Sunday to Saturday in Las Vegas. While he was away, my sister came down from Montreal and I took some time off and we spent Wednesday-Sunday together. It was so nice to hang out with my sister and shop around the city! She has her own interior design business, so we went shopping for some accessories at Crate & Barrel, CB2, Ikea, and some other shops down in the design district. My brother joined us on Friday- he flew out here from L.A. for the weekend. It was so great to hang out with 2 of my siblings (I wish my other 2 brothers could have been here too!)

On Saturday night, we did a Watson's Adventure Scavenger Hunt at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Watson's does adult and family scavenger hunts in several cities all of the U.S., so visit their website to see if there's a hunt in a town near you! If you're ever in NYC, I highly recommend it- it's a great way to explore the city, and it's really really fun! Kind of like participating in "The Amazing Race!"

The hunt we did was called "Murder at the Met," a murder mystery that we had to solve by figuring out a bunch of clues from dozens of paintings, exhibits, sculptures, and artifacts in the museum. There was a 2 hr time limit, and we were really booking it to make it through! The museum is MASSIVE! We solved the "whodunit" and the "why," but we had to give up on 2 clues because we were out of time, and you lose points for every minute you're late. Even with the 2 missing clues, we ended up in second place (only 1 point away from FIRST place!) among about a dozen other teams. What pushed us ahead were the bonus points we got from most creative team name- "SHOW ME THE MONET!" HA HA pretty good, eh?

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