25 September 2007

Toned, Tight, and... broke?

Ok, I'm either a sucker, or the smartest genius alive. I bought a pair of MBT's last week. Anyone heard of these? They are the most hideous, disasterous-looking sneakers, but fashion aside, they're supposed to change your life. On their WEBSITE, they explain that these shoes will not only improve your posture, ease the impact on your joints and back, but also (get ready ladies...) eliminate cellulite, tone your legs, calves, butt, AND abs all just by standing in them! I've seen lots of people wearing them at Central Park, and the snobby ladies on the upper east side all have them on when they're walking to daily yoga classes. They've been advertised in tons of magazines, and the celebs (even supermodels) swear by them.

Together with a co-worker, we ordered the black pair shown above (which we deemed the least orthopedic-looking) and comitted to start wearing them all day in the office. I can't give up my stilettos permanently, while I'm at work, who cares?

I'm here to say, that I'm a believer! As a New Yorker, we walk about 5 miles a day average, so it's like having a gym in a shoe. You immediately feel your muscles contracting in your stomach, even as you stand still. Riding on the subway is trippy: you're constantly shifting and trying to balance, which is great because you can feel the muscles in your inner thighs, butt, and hamstrings flexing to stabilize your foot. The fit is so difficult to explain... the best description I can give is that it feels like you're walking on a trampoline, or on shifting sand. The shoe works by destabilizing each step, forcing your muscles to work harder and thus burning calories even by standing still.

The price is steep at $265/pair, but they come with an instructional DVD and they're backed by years of scientific studies. I'll keep you posted- I was thinking of taking measurements and seeing if I really do lose inches. Like I said... I'm either a genius, or a sucker. What's your guess?

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