01 July 2007

Forget Road Rage... Try Road REVENGE!

So, I went to Philadelphia yesterday to pick up my car (we left the car in Philadelphia, because we were trying to sell it, and we just don't need a car in NYC) and I was at the exit for the Lincoln Tunnel, to cross back into Manhattan. This big redneck excursion from NEW JERSEY comes flying up the EZ pass lane, trying to get ahead off all the cars waiting in line for the toll, and then tried to cut back in front of everyone. This is the driving equivalent of cutting in line for the post office... you just DON'T do it! So they tried to get in 2 cars ahead of me, and they wouldn't let them in. They tried the car in front of me, they wouldn't let them in. I wouldn't let them in either. This crazy crackhead blonde rolls down her window, and screams at me, "I'll HIT you! I'll just HIT you then!" So, as I love to do, I just smiled and waved, and kept tailing the guy in front of me so that she couldn't get in. Hey, I'm not gonna bow down to you because you're in an Excursion! Go ahead and hit me, it'll be 100% your fault! So anyway, this lady got crazier and crazier, and I just ignored her. She rolled down her window and told me to get out of the car so we could take this outside! She started cursing, and flipped me the bird, and then I pulled my FAVORITE trick... I gave her the thumbs up, and then BLEW HER A SWEET LITTLE KISS! Ha ha ha ha! I love it! This was more than she could take, apparently, and she threw a coffee all over my car! Check out the pics!
Did I get MAD? Nope! No way- I got her LICENSE PLATE!!!! I grabbed my cell phone as soon as she did it, called 911, and said, "I'd like to report a road rage and an irratic driver who is dangerous on the road." The operator transferred me to a cop who was stationed right at the tunnel, and I gave the description to a cop, who was parked RIGHT beyond the toll booths! I gave the description of the lady, her plates, her car, and even pointed out that she had a pink cast on her left hand ( I got a nice view when she flipped me off! :) The cop said, "Ok, I think I see her right now. Thank you very much, m'am!" Isn't that the greatest?! Road rage might be satisifying to some, but there's really no greater feeling than driving by and watching them get pulled over!! Road REVENGE is even BETTER!

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