28 July 2007

Restless Leg Syndrome?

Ok, What's up with restless leg syndrome? I've been seeing these commercials on TV, and they describe a "creepy crawly sensation" in your legs while resting. I swear, everytime I see this commercial, I feel the creepy crawly sensation!! It's as if just seeing it on TV, I automatically think I have it! What is up with this? Is there really a condition for feeling like you need to move your legs? And why do you need medication for this? Why not just get up and walk around- go get some exercise, work it out! You know what I do when I feel the urge to move my legs? I MOVE THEM!

It made me curious, though, so I went on the Miramax website to see what this drug is that's supposed to help you with "creepy crawly legs." You wanna know what the side effects are? Get ready...

I addition to the usual- nausea, headaches, dizziness, and oh yeah, "falling asleep while driving a car" (that's a good one, right?) they also include hallucinations. That's right, they say you can experience seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting or feeling something that isn't there. Do you follow me on that last one... feeling something that's not there? Like, oh say, feeling creepy crawly sensation in your LEGS? Ha!

But here's my favorite, and to prove I'm not making this stuff up, I'm gonna take this original exerpt from their own website on the list of side effects:

"There have been reports of patients taking certain medications to treat Parkinson’s disease or RLS, including MIRAPEX, that have reported problems with gambling, compulsive eating, and increased sex drive. It is not possible to reliably estimate how often these behaviors occur to determine which factors may contribute to them. If you or your family members notice that you are developing unusual behaviors, talk to your doctor."

Can you imagine confronting someone about their gambling addiction?

"Hey, Hal- I think you have a gambling problem."

"No way, man- I can't help it! It's my RESTLESS LEGS! I have no control! I can't stop playing blackjack!"

"Hal, you'd better lay off the oreos and Big Macs. You've got an overeating problem."

"Uh uh, it's my LEGS! MY LEGS! MY RESTLESS LEGS! I can't stop eating cake and having sex because of my creepy crawly legs!"

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