14 August 2008

A mistake I will be paying for the next few days...

Ugh, on Monday night I skipped the gym (yes! I AM human!) and went home after work. I just haven't been feeling it since I got back from Miami. I haven't gone to the gym since my birthday! I've decided there's no use in going if I'm not READY and focused, so I'm going to jump in with a couple LONG workouts on Saturday and Sunday, and then I'll be ready to tackle it every night next week. There's a ton of excuses I could give you: I'm tired from the weekend in Miami, it's raining every day and I don't want to walk to the gym in the rain... blah blah blah. I know excuses are bull-crap. I wrote down a quote and saved it on my iPhone:

"A person who wants something will find a way. A person who doesn't will find an excuse."

Pretty good, right? It's true for anything you desire to accomplish: save more money, stop smoking (crack), go on a diet, become rich and famous (ahem, that's mine!)... the point is, excuses are excuses.

So, back to my story (I always wander off... hey look a quarter!)

I went home and was feeling exhausted since we flew in at 3am on Monday morning, and unlike Dan, I HAD to get up for work 4 hours later (how do you people with babies DO this every day?!) So obviously, I didn't feel like making supper. I decided to eat a bowl of Cheerios- healthy and simple. I poured the milk and noticed it didn't smell too good. Checked the expiration: August 2nd?! Oh well, it should be fine.

So I ate a few bites, and some more...and some more. And eventually, I convinced myself that it didn't taste too bad. Then, I thought maybe the cheerios were stale, because after they got soggy they were REALLY awful.

Then, I noticed that the milk was kind of "stringy" in my mouth. AND tasted like vinegar. GROSS! So, I threw out the rest of the cereal (I had eaten almost all of it, though!) and poured the milk down the drain. The last bit of milk at the bottom of the carton was CLUMPED! UGHH!!!

So, what's the result? Well, now I'm on the "drink bad milk" diet, and it's working surprisingly well! Basically, you drink spoiled milk, and then for the next (what are we on now, 4?) days, you have terrible stomach cramps and diarreha, and anything you eat only stays with you for a few minutes! Great diet, right? I bet you're all glad I shared that. Actually, DON'T drink spoiled milk. I was being sarcastic. Really. Don't. REALLY.

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