20 August 2008

Pet peeves

I'm a person with many pet peeves. I guess that means I'm generally just disgruntled! In any case, I'm going to throw a couple of my pet peeves down on this blog- feel free to comment and add your OWN. Let's begin our little venting session, shall we?

Grocery carts with one bad wheel or any other non-working parts
Saying "Let there be light" every time any light switch is flipped anywhere
Roadmaps that aren't all folded correctly- how frustrating is it to fold a stupid MAP?!
Essays or speeches that begin in this way: "Websters dictionary defines..."
Greeting cards that throw sparkles, sequins or confetti on the hapless recipient
Having a drawerful (or more) of unknown cords, transformers, rechargers, adapters...
People who take forever to leave a parking space while others are clearly waiting for it
People who STOP at the top or bottom of an escalator so that you practically fall on top of them trying to get off.
Thinking no one is around, farting, and someone comes along before the stench goes away (admit it, you've done it!!!)
Long lines in women's bathrooms, where next door, men zip in and zip out, no waiting!
People who go into a 10 items or less line with a fully loaded grocery cart (UGHH!!)
The grocery clerk who puts the receipt in your hand, along with your change. I don't want to fumble separating it from my money, nor do I want to put it in my wallet or hold it.
The buttered side of the toast always hits the carpet
People who constantly apply the brakes for no reason!

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