25 August 2008

Welcome to Strictville, population: ME.

You know what my downfall is? If I eat something “bad” (and I hate saying that food is BAD, because it’s not. Robbing a bank is BAD. Stealing from a church offering plate is BAD. Eating chips is NOT bad, it’s just an unhealthy choice.) Ok, there, I had to correct myself.

So, when I make an unhealthy food choice, it turns into a cycle. “Well, I ate that cookie, so I may as well order fries for lunch. Ok, well now I ate the fries, so what’s the point? I may as well have ice cream.” And on and on…
THEN, what’s worse is that if I get that attitude, and start eating all this junk, then I lose my ambition to go to the gym, because my body feels so disgusted. I know that I won’t be able to run as long, lift as much, and I’ll lose my motivation to even workout that day. And it all started with a stupid cookie! This is exactly why I can’t be one of those people that has “a little bit” of a treat or snack every now and then. If I blow it, then I blow it BIG TIME! When I’m good, I’m REALLY good, and I can’t even be persuaded to deviate from healthy fruits, veggies, and chicken. When I’m eating good, then I work out EVERY day, and work out HARD. I drink 2 gallons of water without flinching! But am I confined to eat this way for the rest of my life and NEVER enjoy a slice of pizza or a brownie again? That’s a sad thought :(

So, I turn to YOU, readers: help me out! How do I break this cycle of throwing in the towel and binging on junk food every time I taste even the tiniest bit of sugar? How do I enjoy small portions of junk food “sometimes” or on special occasions, without spiraling into a mess of laziness?

See, today I’m back on my warpath of health- I drank a protein shake for breakfast, had a protein shake for lunch with cottage cheese, and a banana for a snack. After work I’m headed straight to the gym before going home and eating steamed chicken and steamed vegetables for dinner. And that’s FINE, don’t get me wrong. I enjoy feeling and looking good, but GEEZ, do I have to abolish sugar and carbs FOREVER? That’s not a world I want to live in!


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