03 February 2009


My friend Rachel has graciously honored me with something called honest scrap.

Here are the rules:
1. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2. Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with "Honest Scrap".
3. Finally list at least 10 honest things about yourself.

1) I love not having to drive. Now, when I DO drive somewhere, I’m actually paranoid about getting into a tragic accident. The whole time I’m thinking, “Cars are freakin’ DANGEROUS!” I feel so much safer on the train or the bus, plane…anything but a car.

2) I chew on my lip in my sleep- it’s weird. I wake up and my lip is bleeding. I started to put Vaseline on my lip before I go to bed and that nasty taste seems to make me stop.

3) My mom wanted to name me “Latisha.” Thank God my sister interfered. Can you imagine when I lived in PHILLY with a name like LATISHA! I may as well just book myself a ticket straight to Maury!

4) Dan says my toes look like miniature marshmallows- they’re square on the ends. It’s kinda funny!

5) My nieces Navy and London just taught me to dive in their swimming pool last summer. I never learned! Growing up we were always at the beach or a lake, so there was nothing to dive off of! They laughed at me a lot- I was not the easiest student.

6) I wouldn’t live anywhere else in the U.S. except NYC, now that I’ve lived here. There’s really nothing else that would make me this happy.

7) When I was in high school, I brought a peanut butter and miracle whip sandwich in my lunch almost every day for the whole 4 years. I still love peanut butter/miracle whip sandwiches- but I know how really bad they are for you. Plus, I’m surprised I never got food poisoning from warm mayonnaise…

Ok, my people are:

Sarah Rife
Michelle M.
Melissa D.

And instead of posting in your blog, post in the comments section below!

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