18 September 2008

Educated Voters

I cannot vote in the U.S. election because, as my blog web address states: I am a Canadian citizen. However, I'm frustrated by the attitude of some people (none that are members of this blog, mind you) that somehow think that because I don't have a vote, then I don't have the right to an opinion. This outrages me, because I live and work in the U.S., I pay (way too much) taxes, and I utilize health care, banks, and contribute to American social security. Why would anyone argue that I don't have the right to support a presidential candidate?! That's ludicrous!

I'm not going to use this blog as a platform to influence your political choice, but I AM going to use it as a platform to encourage every voter to be EDUCATED about the election, and the candidates. Please, don't vote mindlessly (and Canadians, I'm talking to you too- I know this is an election year for you too!) Don't vote because of who your parents vote for, or who your spouse votes for. Don't base your opinion on the media or (God help us!) an EMAIL FORWARD. Get the facts, get all the information you can, and then vote as a COUNTRY, not an individual, and do what's best for the entire nation, and the globe.

Here's a link to a pretty detailed quiz, which is designed to BLINDLY match your view with those of a political delegate. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/MatchOMatic/fullpage?id=5542139 I took the quiz, and it actually gave me a lot of insight into political views I didn't understand before.

Oh, and it goes without saying... VOTE!

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