22 September 2008


Hiya everyone!

I'm at work this morning, after 3 days in BED sick! It started on Wednesday night- I had an immense headache that made me feel nauseous, and went to bed at 7pm. On Thursday, at work, I felt it. You know what that feeling is: the warm tingly throat, starting to get harder to swallow, your eyes watering, and that heavy feeling in your head. I made a comment to some people at work that I could feel that I was getting sick, and sure enough, Friday morning I could barely get out of bed. My throat was so bad I could hardly swallow. I was pale (ok, well Pale-ER than usual!) and my skin was burning. Dan told me to call out, but I know how bad it looks to call out sick on a FRIDAY (hello, long weekend?) so I told him I'd go to work and get some checks cut that needed to go out, and then come home.

I got to work and everyone was like, "GO HOME!" I did NOT look so great! I finished the checks, sent some emails, and left the office around 10:30. I went home and stripped down to a tank and shorts because I was burning up with a fever. I found a comfy spot on the couch with a blanket and a box of kleenex and a box of sudafed, and slept with the dogs curled up on me. I stayed like this for the next 3 days- drifting in and out of sleep just to get up and eat some chicken noodle soup. By Sunday, I was feeling a bit better, and Dan and I went to brunch around 2pm. Then I went back to bed!

I'm much better today, but now some other people in the office are starting to drop like flies. It's just that time of year, I guess! I've got a runny nose that won't stop, and I have a raspy sounding voice like Demi Moore, but other than that, I'm much better.

I gotta tell ya, I don't know HOW you parents do it! How do you survive being SICK when you still have babies to look after?! I'm in awe. I didn't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, even move out of bed, let alone entertain the notion that some of my friends have to change diapers and watch children 24/7 while they feel like this!

How DO you do it? I'm not convinced I can EVER have kids- I can't even take care of myself!

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