07 January 2009

I'm the loser!

Did anyone watch the biggest loser last night? First of all, let me start by saying- this 2 hour thing is just ridiculous. We like to watch the biggest loser, but we HAVE to watch it on TiVo because we fast forward through about an hour and a half of the show. It's all FLUFF! Don't you hate how they generate false cliff hangers by cutting to commercials at poignant times? The problem is, that gets OLD, and now there's no drama because you KNOW automatically it's going to commercial. Then, when it comes BACK from commercial, they re-play the last 5 minutes that they JUST played before the commercial. And speaking of commercials, I don't even understand why they NEED to cut to commercial because they're all BUILT IN to the show! Could there be any more product placement?! It's unreal! "Let's go use our Glad bags to make lunch!" Yeah, well it makes me want to put a Glad bag over my HEAD and kill myself!

But regardless, the 30 minutes or so of the show that we do actually watch is pretty good. The weight loss is dramatic and it's cool to see their bodies transforming. But last night, I was excited about one part of the show- where they introduced the BODYBUGG devices. Why was I excited? Because I ordered one last week! It's due to be delivered tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted on how it works. Basically, it's a device that you wear on your arm that monitors different variables in your body using sensors. It uses body temperature, pulse, and a pedometer to calculate exactly how many calories you burn in a day. Then, it transmits the information to a website that you log on to each day and input what food you ate. It then calculates the food you ate MINUS the calories you burn, and gives you a balance. If you create a DEFICIT (in other words, BURN more calories than you EAT) you lose weight.

This is a great idea for me because I struggle to estimate how many calories I burn, and I usually don't eat ENOUGH calories to lose weight. In NYC, I'm constantly walking (no driving!), running up and down subway stairs, walking the dogs and then working out at the gym on top of that. When Dan and I first moved to NY, we lost weight without even trying, just because of all the additional exercise. But over time, our bodies have just adjusted to doing that amount of activity every day.

On Monday, I was back at the gym after my holiday hiatus. I had a 1 hr session with my new personal trainer, Carlos. He is a professional torturer. You think we'd start off easy, since it's been several weeks since I've done weights... NO! Right away we started in with 90lb squats, lunges, and deadlifts. I was miserable the next day, and could barely walk. Even stepping up onto the curb was extremely painful! Every muscle in my body hurts...wait, not hurts BURNS! AHHHH!

Last night, I was walking to the subway with Carmen, and she had to tie my shoe for me because I couldn't bend over or even lift my leg up! When I sit down, I'm like a pregnant lady, having to lower myself down gradually by holding onto something. Elizabeth has been calling me Frankenstein because when I walk, I can barely bend my legs!

I had another session scheduled today at 11am, and last night, I was trying to stretch and work some of the pain out. I thought I'd feel better today, but this morning, I called Carlos and told him I had to ROLL out of bed, I was in so much pain, so I cancelled our session. There's no way I could lift weights again today. I think it was a bit too ambitious to start out trying to do 2x a week with a trainer- next week, hopefully I'll be ready for it.

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