24 June 2008

Day 7 of 9- the end is in sight

Goodbye, sweet potato. You were a true friend; sweet, tender, and potatoey. You made me so happy! I hope I will see you again someday. Farewell.

That’s right, no more sweet potato! I’m also down to 1 gallon of water a day, which seems like a lot, but I’m sipping every drop like it’s my last! It’s really NOT that much water, when you’re used to drinking 2 gallons PLUS shakes. I got to eat beef last night, and it was a truly meaningful moment in my existence. I put the beef AND the asparagus together, so the asparagus got some beefy flavor, and I devoured it blissfully.

Today I also started the diuretics, to flush out all the water weight. The biggest change I’ve seen in this is that my fingers are getting wrinkly, like I’ve been in the bathtub for too long. Dan pointed out that you can see the little bones in the tops of my feet and toes, which NEVER happens because my feet are always swollen, especially after workouts or walking a lot in this heat. A sure sign of dehydration! (sweet!) How sick and twisted is it that I’m actually dehydrating my body? Can you believe this is really what Hollywood actresses and models do before events and photo shoots? It’s insane! Now I know their SECRET!

So, I’m getting ready to go meet my trainer at 2pm this afternoon for another session of torture. Last night, the workout was so difficult I was getting giddy! I literally was like, loopy and giggling for no reason! My trainer was loving it, because he said that this is what happens when you start de-carbing and dehydrating before a bodybuilding competition- and he was laughing at my exhaustion. Nice, right? He worked me SO hard yesterday, it wasn’t even funny. It took me probably an extra 15 minutes to get home because I was walking at the pace of an 80 year old. I had to do the stairs like I was a toddler- take one step while holding onto the rail with BOTH hands, then feet together. Then the next step, and so on! I wish you guys could have seen me!

The next workout and the next 2 days are going to be murder- yesterday, I was still getting my carbs from sweet potatoes, and NOT taking the pills, and drinking 2 gallons! Today it’s going to be rough, and tomorrow- yeah, well let’s not even think about that right now. I asked my trainer if they would be able to deduct the weight of my wheelchair and IV unit when I get weighed in on Friday. He laughed. (I was serious!)

I will post my before and after pictures on Thursday night, when I finally get a day off to “rest” before the weigh in Friday! This gonna be SICK!! This is like the ULTIMATE swimsuit diet!

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