20 June 2008

Share everything time!

Today’s Question: If you could live in any home on a television series, what would you choose and why?

This is a tough question: aren’t tv homes always the coolest? Being an official New Yorker now, I’d have to say I’d choose Monica and Rachel’s apartment on Friends. Obviously, that apartment is outrageously huge for Manhattan. Plus, they have an OUTDOOR space which is virtually impossible to find as well. There’s an actual KITCHEN in the apartment (which, if you’ve seen pictures of our kitchen posted, you’ll understand that New York City apartments just DON’T have kitchens! They just DON’T, it’s as easy as that! Our bathroom is bigger than our kitchen, and our bathroom doesn’t even have a vanity or countertop; just a pedestal sink!

Somewhere along the way, the writers decided that this was completely unreasonable for a coffee shop waitress and a chef to be able to afford the rent on this GI-normous place. In fact, their address is supposedly, 88 Bedford St, which has a tax value of (get ready) $5.5 MILLION! That’s a LOT of lattes to be able to afford that place! So instead, the writers wrote in that she illegally sublets it from her grandmother. Ok, right.

But what a SWEET place in NYC!

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